Painful vaginal intercourse?

sometimes when i am having sex with my bf contained by a missionary position, i get an intense pain that feel like my upper vaginal wall is caving within. i can't move or turn over or anything, and if he's still inside of me, him moving causes even more excruciating pain. it's so discouraging that i cry till it goes away (sometimes an hour) i've seen my dr roughly speaking it, but she says everything looks fine. any idea what can be wrong?

Rampant rabbit thruster?

Sounds close to you may have a retroverted (flipped) uterus. Every time he enters, he hits your uterus and it cause pain. Go get a pelvic sonogram done as economically as see an ob/gyn.

Stomach throbbing?

Either he is very big and hitting your cervix, which can be pleasureable to some and painful to others, or possibly it's vaginismus. I'm surprised your doctor didn't mention this as a possibility. This is an unconscious contraction of the vaginal walls that can result in headache such as you describe. I would suspect this is the case as there is zilch medically wrong. Do some research and ask your doctor if this may be the problem.
P.S. If it was due to a tipped uterus your doctor would probably have said something as I enjoy one also and they can feel it when they give you an internal exam.

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If you’re experiencing twinge during or after sex there may be several factors that are contributing to the twinge you feel. For women there are several physical conditions that may make sex hurt, including:

* Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
* Endometriosis
* Ovarian cysts
* Interstitial cystitis
* Vaginismus
* Vulvodynia
* Some sexually transmitted diseases
* Urinary infections
* Yeast infections
* Vaginal dryness
* Physical injury and chronic pain

I would recommend that if you experience stomach-ache during or after sex that you consult with another doctor/gynaecologist for a second opinion and further evaluation and to rule out any serious cause.

Good luck :)

What is wrong next to me?

Get a book on female anatomy with pictures of muscles, lilgaments and tendons. There are tendons attached to the uterus that hold on to it suspended in the abdomen. You want to get a second medical opinion because the intense misery you are describing could be related to pushing against the uterus which stretches the tendons. Is there a possibility you could have a hernia? (A rip in the muscles?) You should under no circumstances own sex with anyone until this is resolved. You could be risking internal injury and should get a GYN belief before again having relations.

And if you are a young person, you need to examine why you are having sexual relations at such a childlike age when your body isn't ready for it. For that matter, what motivation does your bf own to marry you when you're giving it away for free?

Is throwing up blood run of the mill?

if your on birthcontrol it sometimes causes vaginal dryness which would cause the twinge or you may have small cysts on your ovaries that hes hitting when hes in that positon i hold the same problem and my doctor gave me an ultrasound to see what the problem be may be that should be something that you suggest to your doctor my suggestion is try lube or try different postioning of his penis in the missionary position good luck

Contraception or the deficiency of it?

It sounds resembling hes either hitting your cervix or being pretty intense and hitting your upper vaginal wall thats subsequent to your cervix.

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my cuzn asked me that 2, i just said its probably b/c he's sticking something in a small vent. I havent had sex but im guessing itll get better after a while.

What is the best approach to realive cramps?

Just put in the picture him to stop when it hurts. if the doctor says nothing is wrong in that is a goods chance nil is wrong.

Is within any method to brand boobs smaller? save for surgery?

Tell him to stop when it starts hurting. no need to be in affliction!

Does anyone use the birth control patch? Have you experienced any of the side effects?

i have to wear a special protection at base of penis to prevent me from going to far surrounded by my partner had pain when have sex with me, i am 2 centimeter longer than average

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This is quality of awkward,but um, urologists or something similar please click...?
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