My friend is having her period one week after her last one.?

She is always reg. but this month 7 days subsequent her period started again. The be no signs that it was coming on (bloating, pms) Which other happens to her. This time she go to the bathroom and surprise there it be. Anybody know what this could be? or why it may have happen? there have been zilch out of the usual, stress wise, any concept? thank you

How to console someone who had a miscarriage?

It could be that her time is just acting crazy this month. same article happened to my friend, her time of year is usually every month once a week, but this one month it went crazyy and it kept stopping and coming posterior. Id go to a doctor and check only just in covering.

I had unprotected sex?

she wierd!
no blockade

can uu still get pregnant even if you havent have a period within 2 or 3 months?

She needs to dance to the obgyn asap! Bleeding in between periods is not a fitting sign. Don't wait, please be in motion!

I had a length for 5 days, then it stopped. Then I have spotting of brownish to pink blood, now nought.?

how old are you? when you first start your term, it's often intensely irregular. i would tell her to discuss to her doctor, they sometimes put women on birth control pills when this sort of thing happen to help their time of year be more regular. i have several friends who go through this sort of thing surrounded by middle school and lofty school.

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