How old...?

is there a directive about the age for you to hold sex? i know that if your under 18 u cant own sex w/some one above 18 but if ur , say 15 and u want 2 enjoy sex with some one not over 18 or even 18 nonetheless u would b able to do it, right? rationale u always hear ur 2 youthful 2 have sex or going on for old prev.'s ..economically u know so if u got a answer or comment plz write so

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I don't feel the police could do anything if you had sex near someone under 18, So I give attention to you can go ahead.

1. Wear a Condom
2. Talk to your mom if you enjoy questions
3. I wouldn't recomend sex at your age but hey, teenagers are having alot of sex very soon!

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you should be waiting for marriage to enjoy sex and yes i believe there is a statute about have sex before your 18

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well, elder men are pigs and they like to procure at younger girls, cuz its easy. when be younger we want someone to just love us and hold us elder men can do this w the best of em. if ur in love and the guys not too much elder than you and you have both be honest w each other, afterwards go for it. i be young when i lost mine. i be his first and he was mine. lately use protection. and dont forget to always be undamaging

Women and Men a first time sex question?

i consider you have it covered,and I don't chew over there is a ruling about the age

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It is bent for a girl/boy to sleep with someone elder than 18 if they are not 18 themselves. The older party will be charged. With younger people and peirs, however, I am not sure. I have an idea that it could be illegal.

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They've done had theres?

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In england it is illegal to anyone beneath 16 to have sex next to someone eithe above or below 16.

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In the Uk then the endorsed age for sex is 16, and an older being who has sex beside someone under age can be prosecuted. But after we have the matchless rate of teenage pregnancy surrounded by Europe.
The problem is that people verbs sex with love and we assume that sex is a way to procure intimacy, it can then become an addiction, same as alcohol or drugs.

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i give attention to the consensual law is 16. don't do it, its not worth it

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Hmmmm. I know that in like mad of states there are 17yr olds and some 16yr olds serving time in prisons for crimes including statutory rape. You may agree to do it, but your parents as your guardians can report charges on the young man purely the same. I would advocate you to leave it alone until you are married or at least possible old plenty to handle the judgment you are trying to make. If you could touch it now, I presume you would already have the answer short asking this question contained by this forum.

Plus if you do go through near it and charges do get file, the young man that you apparently hold feelings for may winding up up as a registered sex offender for the rest of his energy. Do you really want to do that to a guy that you seem to perfectionism for?

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Yes, it is ILLEGAL 2 practice sex under the age of 18 in need a LISCENCE (a Legal Marriage liscince). u should save sex 4 Marriage. trust me... if a guy is inclined 2 have sex beside u, he doesnt Love u & he doesnt Care about u. ur a childish lady & u inevitability 2 respect urself. if YOU dont respect urself, no1 ELSE will. u arent ready 4sex rite in a minute. i know because ur under 18 & ur Wondering if u should do it or not & the Consiquinces that will follow if u do something u Know is Wrong. i be ur age not 2 long ago & ive Been where u are & i Know that u should retrieve sex 4 marriage. anything else wont b Half as full-filling. basically think give or take a few how Used u will feel. if u DO sleep next to sum1 ur not married2, how wud u feel if they Left u & get with sum Uther girl? neguy who would sleep beside U without marry u would sleep with Another girl near out marrying Her (u'd a short time ago b another ONE, all us girls are EQUAL & if u furnish it up Once, it'll just grasp Easier & easier 2give it up again and again & all the guys who kno u will look @ u approaching an Object). Trust me... its just best 2 WAIT 4 a Real MAN that Cares almost u & ur best Intrests & ur Future, not a Boy who mite jus wanna use u for 3minutes. Value urself as MORE.

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yea the law item is ok but make sure that nought BAD happens ok? be past the worst

Lady's i need relieve with my time of year?

the law is 16.

everyones make their own decisions.

Late time of year?

if both people are of a mind and both are under 18 next its legal

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