My friend is feeling pain and would advice what should she do?

my friend had sex near her boyfriend and then partially an hour later she did agian and her vagina have been hurting her what should she do?

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If she is not someone who has have sex regularly, this could be just the body adjust the the stretching during love-making. It should get better relatively hastily without any intervention.
There are other possibilities though.
If love-making is done beforehand the woman is fully aroused, then nearby could be irritation from the rubbing over under-lubricated membranes. In this case I'd recommend both more foreplay and/or a lubricant be used.
If sex be rough (some times this happens if the partner aren't too experienced), there could be bruising, which will lug a little while to subside. She can procure a small measure of nouns from using cold compresses down there.
Some positions are smaller quantity comfortable, and penetration depth can be miscellaneous by altering the position and angle. A good book can explain this better.
And next there is the not so nice possibility of a sexually transmitted disease. How long after sex be she in affliction? and did it interfere with other things, similar to urination? Does she use condoms with her boyfriend? Are they mutually exclusive and if they enjoy had other partner, have they be tested?
In all, if symptoms keep at it and she is still not sure, see a health-care professional. Don't worry, they own probably heard it adjectives before.

This is pretty gross but.?

She should only just relax for a while. She's only hurting because she have continuous sex. Just advise her not to do that again. If it get any worse...see a doctor.

Why do breast nipples get sensitive?

Sit surrounded by a hot still bath. Do not use any bubbles or soap of any variety. She can do that several times until the pain is better. Also wearing losser clothing is devout so that nothing is rubbing againist her.

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A long soak in a nice hot tub will feel suitable. She shouldn't have sex again until her body feel better. I hope she's using protection,and she might ask her partner not to be so rough etc. Take care. SW FNP

B cup insert?

have her get checked out because it coud be particularly serious also it could be a STD also if he is big then he could of torn her down in that

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