How can I lose weight?

It's so hard for me to stick to something and since i'm exceptionally busy all the time i dont own time to eat or exercise. Yet i stipulation to stay in shape because i gain tired easily and although i'm not similar to super overweight or anything i do want to slim down. please let me know if you tried something and it be effective.

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pranayama (indian breathing exercises)by swami Ramdev..they can be done anywhere adjectives yu need to do is breath ..

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eat fighting fit at daytime & don't have dinner or basically a little snack

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Only answer is eat smaller quantity, especially carbs, and exercise more..

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for 15 minutes do some skipping.
i bet u wud have 15 minutes.
basically try it its very potent.

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well, i was a stick pretty much, ive be lifting weights, and doing alot of running, im not as much of a stick anymore. try running on a track, or lifting weights, i would try to be in situations that arent stressful as well, because stress can also cause things resembling getting tired easily, or perchance gaining a touch weight, hope this help, good luck =]

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make a gym skedule and work out near a friend cuz i find that u can cheer each other on so that u stick 2 it. (it works) (hope this helps)

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I completely think through where you're coming from. I'm totally busy and I don't really enjoy time to eat any. And like you and most other citizens, I'd like to slim down somewhat too. For those of us who don't have a ton of extra gear but still want to get contained by a decent amount of excersize each can do what I do.

I park as far away from wherever I'm going as possible. Since I'm already at the place, I don't mind taking the extra two or three minutes it take to get from one run out of the parking lot to the other.

I also always hold water near me, no matter what. It's really noteworthy to stay hydrated and water really is the best odds for a drink.

In the morning, throw some frozen strawberries and some water into a cup, not lone is this a tasty drink but you can also put away the strawberries when you're done with the wet. You can do this with any fruit.

Sometimes, it's only the little things that can make a big difference contained by your life.

Is it common to get your time of year again 5 days after you have alredy have it and then again 11 days then?

Well, some time ago I had such a problem,but I be trying to take on counterbalance and I did not manage until I started taking birth control pills!Trey could also give support to you...If you don t agree with me, here is another way-my best friend lost her weight because she didn t get through bread at all!apt luck!

HELP..I am scared! I did something stupid!?

Run everyday outside or on a treadmill for 20 to 30 min.
Stop intake white sugar and everything that has white sugar contained by it.
Try eating more of fresh natural fruits and vegetables, and drinking at least 40oz of hose down everyday.

This is the best diet there is and its free.

But if you want to take-home pay money and buy one of those expensive high part diets, here is where you can find one of them

Birth control and diarrhea?

A pound of solidity on your body is equivalent to 3,500 calories, so to lose one pound, you must consume 3,500 calories less than what you burn on a year to day foundation. Obviously, you can't negate that many calories within one day. It's easiest to try to spread it out; try to lose a pound or so a week.

If you reason you don't have time to exercise, remember that you can effortlessly incorporate excercise into daily, everyday activity. Try taking the stairs instead of the elevator, park somewhat further towards the back of the parking lot and pace to your destination---every little bit helps!

As far as adjectives calories, I find it very effortless to pick one item (for me, it was hurriedly food) and simply cut it out of your diet. Don't overwhelm yourself by cutting final on too much at once; that's why it's easiest to just pick a single item. I've particular several people who enjoy lost weight (and not significant, impressive amounts, purely enough to 'slim down' some) by simply not drinking soda anymore. If you guess about it, that's pretty passable. Say you drink two cans of pop a daylight...that's about 500 extra calories a daytime. By cutting out pop, within just a week's time, you've set your body rear legs 3,500 calories. That's one pound.

Good luck!!

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