What kind of vagianl infection could this be?

Thick white discharge,
Sometimes smelly yellow discharge,
Burns/feels hot when urinating,
make sex uncomfortable,
urgency to urinate,

I go to the doc and am being re-treated for Bacterial Vaginosis beside Metronidazole. I have one sex partner, we don't use condoms. I enjoy been cleared for yeast, bladder infection and STD's. The BV culture come back denial at the Doc's office, but I am getting re-treated for the benefit of doubt.

Please! This is driving me crazy! What is this and what do I do? BTW, I've see two different docs who say alike thing...


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It could be the Bacterial Vaginosis. Did your partner get treated also? You could be ratification it back and forth. Also, are you sure your partner is individual faithful? It could be coming from someone else.

Please abet!!?

could be a urinary tract infection

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Could be an allergic reaction to latex if you use condoms. If not possibly to him. Antibiotics can impose yeast infections too so watch out for that.

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Has your partner be treated as well. When a woman get a yeast infection it can be transmitted to the other and unless he gets it checked out after you will more than likely hold on to getting them . Both partners call for to be treated at the same time for it to travel away.

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your p*ssy is bout to xplode - dont move im sending HSMAT now & SWAT - plus DHEC..I get u dont worry.
one ques. are u a terrorist? U get WMAD's in ya as*

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bacterial vaginosis is overgrowth of the typical bacteria contained by the vagina. its nothing to be ashamed of. This overgrowth can come about from being treated for a yeast infection or from taking antibiotics. yogurt near live active cultures can comfort.

How did i get green eyes?

im kinda going through thew same entity sorry... i dont have the burning or hot thought but just hang on to you eyes out its a good entry you noticing them and keeping a write down on what is happening to you body ... powerfully hope everything works out good

Pain formerly Orgasm?

your partner probably has it & wishes to get treated...you both involve to not have sex while person treated. symptoms in men are almost thoroughly mild if not any symptoms will turn out...keep verbs, wear nothing but cotton underwear, shower 2 times morning & at dark to keep yourself verbs maybe when sleeping don't wear underwear to agree to yourself breath down there. drink lots of dampen. deffinately get your dude to the doctor pronto!

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