Period pains...?

i have huge stomach-ache each month, and i also wind up up vomiting. i take panadols but they don't work. what can i do to stop the agony in a briskly way? after how much time do panadols start working?

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If you necessitate a quick nouns from it try making yourself a hot up of milk with some honey to sweeten it, sit yourself down surrounded by a comfortable position, not a bed-somewhere you're not flat, and wrap yourself up warm, procure a hotwater bottle if possible and drink the milk, the cramps will luxury and you'll feel posterior together within minutes!

This remedy help me through 4 years of pain!

I'm 17 and too skinny?

if things are that impossible go see your doctor!

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try feminax, it has 3 tpes of misery killer which work on different areas and focus a muscle relaxant. I used to get dull pain so bad that I couldn't stand or step, as soon asI feel it coming on I transport one or two of these and then I'm ok for roughly 4-6 hours

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Are you still babyish? My first few periods I vomited deeply because I wasn't used to it.. You can try fixing it in a natural opening, with some hot tea or a nice heat up bath.

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Try taking evening primrose grease and star oil - I used to hold terrible pains until I begin taking those regularly... I'd also see your Dr about man sick...

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i use Mydol, and i lay down for a little while after i nick it, and it works for me.. maybe you should try that : )

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Feminax are definitely the best, i own heard of those becoming addicted to them though because they seem to raise your mood as well.

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I be in motion threw the same article. I was put on birthcontrol to lessen my period then I'm on muscle relaxers and IB profin 800's. It help but I still feel sick. You really have need of to see a Dr.

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I don't know around panadols. This being said, at hand are things you can do to reduce the severity of your cramps. These include:

* Walking/running/regular exercise
* An orgasm or sex (this help dislodge any discharge or lining)
* Eating healthy
* A hot bath
* A hot compress on your abdomen (they market single use packs at the pharmacy)
* A lower pay for massage

Can any one tender some suggestions ?.?

i wouldn't worry roughly the pain so much. I would be more worried in the order of throwing up. When you are feeling nausea I would embezzle it easy, get through some crackers.move around (sitting still can make it worse). If things dont return with better, go hindmost to ur doc!

Period problems =( Help!?

i usualy use those heat pad that r out i have forgotton the pet name but they tend 2 help and normaly affliction killers help yourself to a couple of hours 2 work but it should say on the stern of the box

hope that helps

Muscle spasm underneath breast?

Have you tried Ibuprofen. Since I was sterilised I own had some tangible labour close to pains at times that I never experienced before. But I find Ibuprofen other helps. Takes around partly an hour to work.

Ok weird embarrasing interrogate how does a girl know if they have a camel toe? dont even know what it is?

go on the pill it will composed the pain and your filling period

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