Period problems!?

My mom is on her period.
And she has a really discouraging stomach ache.
And she looks like she is within a lot of pain.
What can I do to sustain her?
Please :(

Answers:    Give your mom a banana to eat (it helps near cramps) and offer her a hot water bottle for her tummy. Tell her to use it for 5 minutes while lay on her side with her knees bent.

What a nice daughter you are wanting to help out your mom!.
Aww, sweetie how sweet! Okay, if you have a heating pad budge plug it in an put it on high! Make sure it is surrounded by a comfy place. Suggest a nice warm bath. Give her any tylenol, advil, or acetomenophen! Not ibprofen or asprin! That makes you bleed more! Give her a banana, and suggest that she get a pack of Midol contained by the morning. (Midol works better then pamprin.) Tell her if sahe needs anything you can receive it. You are such a sweet kid! Good luck sweetie!
Hope I helped May be a little unusual but try suggesting a different form of feminine care. They've been specified to stop cramps
give her some hot tea or soup... something southing like that.And possibly bring her one of her favorite books or put in her favorite movie! That always works for me!
i hope your mom feel better soon! how sweet of you!! give her a bannana and a heating wipe for her cramps. then tell her to lay contained by bed and watch a movie! always help me:].
Hot Cinnaman tea!
Always works.
Pain reliever pills.
Have fun..
Midol? Give her some advil or midol or make her some tea it works for me .
give her a heat pack for her stomach and some pain reliever. or maybe suggest a tub?
hope she feels better soon! tell her to clutch some motrin or some midol..then eat a banana or something...

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