Where can i find (MMDQ) Moss Menstrual Distress Questionaire online?


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The Moos MDQ is very difficult to find online (if not impossible)...it's basically one and only available for *purchase* through Western Psychological Services.

You can try to run a journal/article search for resources that may own used it in their studies and henceforth included a copy in their published reports/abstracts, but trademark sure you are searching for "Moos" MDQ and not "Moss."

The other point to try is to check out the original article by Rudolf H. Moos, Ph.D. contained by which he reviews the creation of his Questionnaire at:


There are examples of the 47 questions, etc. within the article and it reviews the data of both form C and T, which may assist you somewhat.

As a ultimate resort, you can try to get it from Western Psych Services directly at:


You may call for to copy and paste that URL so it's not "broken" by Yahoo.

Sorry I couldn't be of more oblige; good luck to you.

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