For women who have or have had breast!?

What prompted you to get checked? Like, odd pains and things like that.

Missed pill bleeding?

Start getting annual mammograms around age 30-35. The with the sole purpose way they found my grandmothers be because she got a mammogram. Also preform regular breast exams and if you discern any lumps or unusual spots go to the doctor.

Are gay women more accecpted than gay men?

I have a lump. I have a history of "cystic mastitis" but the lump I found at that time be so different than a cyst. No pain--the cysts hurt. I went to the doctor and he in a jiffy sent me to a surgeon. They admitted me to the hospital that afternoon and I had a lumpectomy the subsequent morning. They sent it to pathology while I was beneath general anesthesia--it be cancerous--so they cleaned the entire area out capably and got verbs margins. I had two rounds of IV chemo. That be 7 years ago.

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