Light pink discharge after my boyfriend fingered me?

I am 14 years old and still a virgin and my bf fingered me and it wasnt until then when i was contained by the bathroom that i noticed a small spot of a street light pinkish discharge/blood on the toilet paper...what could this be?...please give a hand!

Can you get pregnant coming rotten your mentusral cyle?

It might be your period... but you might want to inform a doctor... Hope your okay

Question for women who have gone through menopause and how it artificial your sex drive?

chances are if you're still a virgin that he probably broke or tore your hyman. even if this isn't the first time he fingered you, it can still happen. i wouldn't verbs about it too much.

How much smaller number effective??

it is from his finger staple scathcing agaisnt the wall of your vagina, its normal, I still bleed once and a while if the personage isn't careful or it get a lill ruff it'll bleed, you should be fine but be careful for infection, if he didn't own clean hand or there be something under his nail you coud be in peril, but risks are low of that!

what is the earliest i can do a preganancy test until that time my period is due?

oh thats texonic septisonic syndrome.probability are you are going to die unless you eat rotten cheese


It's alright, don't hysterics...just detail your boyfriend to cut his finger nails. The pinkish spot is probably only just from a small cut that you received. If it continues without near being a source, I would ask a professional, otherwise I wouldn't worry.

Pubic fleece?

It seems tha your bf have by chance ruptured your hymen which have caused the bleeding..Don't be worried tons virgins have their hymen ruptured due to masturbation or bulky execise.Hymen is not a definitive sign of virginity as many women who own regular sex have their hymen intact as they hold a strong fibrous don't be worried.

menopause does that mean sex stop?

maybe ur on ur time.
see thts exactly why lil kids shouldnt be doin this stuff! gurl what where u thinkin?
possibly u got an infection and u enjoy to go detail ur parents what u where up to and they'll exclude u from ever seeing tht boi again! and then they wont ever trust u ever again and u hold to go and draw from tested to see if u cought something and everyone at ur school will find ou what happen (rumors spread like uncontrolled fires) and everyone will u a stupid lil whore! do u want tht?
i dont think so. so possibly u and ur boyfriend should take it slow yall r to childish to be doing tht anyway .ifu let him do tht next hes gonna wanna rly do it and ur gonna give contained by cuz u think u within love. and u'll get impregnate he'll leave u u'll be a disgrace to ur complete family and u'll own to drop out of school to furnish birth to ur child who will probably end up bein retarded since ur body isnt become fully grown enough to distribute birth!

kids these days!
i hope i slapped some sense into you!

Do women really savour anal.?

Wooooooo hoooo hooo!! honey little Punkin ..Lol ok im not gona lecture you almost what not 2 do or what 2 do. Im just gona say-so it straight and simple hope you get the clue ok in good health your still a little infantile one 14 years old you get a life 2 travel threw and so much time 2 do watever u want. Take it easy the boy your next to probably only wishes you because ur a virgin sorry 2 say this even tho you guess he really loves you thats what they want 2 get and after that hes resembling ok NEXT... and goes on 2 another girl purely like you. I let somebody know you this because this is how my lil cousin started and he got the suspend of it and then freshly right BAMMMMM... took her Virginity 4rm her and shes only 15 years ancient and its already ..gone he left her hurt and very soon she acts wierd she doesnt' do things girls 4rm her age do shes close to ... i don't know how 2 explain but she acts grow and isn't secure going on for her self. Before she use 2 play and have fun and not verbs about that stuff you know but what happen happened the correct thing is she didn't return with preg. As in for my elder cousin which is 17 is stil a virgin and is just living duration u will get 2 that when the time is right and near the right guy comes along don't spend it on a jerk similar to him you could also end up getting an inffection. Well hope you implied OMG that sounded like a talk didn't it it was resembling 2 long too ok ima stop writing OMG im getting addicted 2 the computer..LOL hope you the best take effort of yourself ;)

Yaz Birth Control.HELP?

guess small amount of blood

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