20 days late on period, negative pregnancy tests?

I am 21 years old. My interval usually arrives between the 5th and the 10th each month, close to clockwork. Here is it, the 25th and I have still however to start menstruating for the month. My initial thought was, logically, that i was pregnant. However I've taken 6 pregnancy test in times gone by 2 weeks and all hold shown up negative. I go to patient first today and they did a blood check which also showed up as negative for pregnancy. The doctor didn't come across too concerned, and said that I am probably pregnant, but it is too early for it to be showing up in my blood or urine. I've be pregant before, and I don't consistency pregnant, at all. I discern perfectly mundane. Should I be really worried about this? I can't acquire an appointment with my GYN until the run out of next month. Has anyone ever experience anything resembling this before? I haven't changed my ingestion habits, be under any stress or taken any prescription medication., Any feedback would be appreciated, this is really worrying me.

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I am not aphorism that you may not be pregnant--that is a possibility. But I myself experienced something much like that surrounded by the last few months (I'm 25)--I even thought I skipped a extent once or twice. But, for some reason it be just coming really, really in arrears. Like, weeks late. (I dislike that because then I didn't know when it's coming!) Normally my spell would be say, around the 15th. The subsequent month it came on close to, the 14th. The next month it be like it didn't come at adjectives, I got it on the first of the subsequent month! It's been acting abnormal like that.
But, I know I'm not pregnant, I haven't have sex. My period is purely being strange. Very unusual. maybe to be exact the case near you, maybe it isn't. Try not to madness, it may just be varying, for whatever grounds. I would wait for a time longer, then filch another test. If it still comes up refusal, go see your OBGYN approaching you said. If you end up not pregnant but are still really worried just about it get a check up on adjectives your girlie stuff--it may reassure you. I would be sure to stay up to date with checkups near my doc if I thought there be anything unusual (speaking of which, I should get to mine, lol). Good luck!

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My wife took several pregnancy tests back one turned up positive. It can take a few weeks for the hormone level to build up to a high satisfactory level to register on these test, so don't sweat it!

Give it another week or so and try again.

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Things like that start to me sometimes, all though I suppose that's more adjectives in the first year or to of getting your extent. I wouldn't worry almost it, just run to the GYN when you can.

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sounds approaching your a little stressed nearly the amenorhea (lack of a menstral cycle being on time) also if you are on any psychotropic meds, antidepressants, and assorted other medications can affect your cycle. Have you have a increase or decrease of 10 pounds surrounded by a short amount of time? That could cause the hitch in your cycle as ably.

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I enjoy experienced something like this earlier I was pregnant. I be late and started getting worried later I realized that I be stressing myself out by worrying so I tried to not think nearly it and then what do you know it started a week subsequently. So if you do not feel pregnant consequently do not stress out about it. Just dont smoke or drink or do drugs, simply in defence you are pregnant.

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Stress, medications, anorexia, anemia and strenuous exercise are largely the causes of insufficiency of menses. Many common things can also inflict the regulation of your period. If you don't have a feeling that you fall into one of the previous category you may want to schedule an appointment beside your doctor and try one more pregnancy try-out.

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It is possible that the test kit are not sensitive yet to detect the pregnancy. If you confer couple of weeks, things should change.

This is incredibly important to you but not for your Gyn, so dance to another Gyn as soon as possible. Talk to your Dr to get surrounded by contact and get an appt to the Gyn. Go to another clinic and return with the test done.

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Okay this happened to me and I go to the GYN and I had my hormones tested. It be an imbalance call PCOS. Just be sure to get your hormones checked. If you really call for a quick appointment to put you at help go to planned fatherliness they can get you an appointment near in days.

Just be sure to ask for hormone test. PCOS is alot more common than those think. And most Docs don't trouble.


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