Possibly having a Colposcopy done tomorrow...?

.and I'm freaking out, well it's unforgivable because I got the doomed to failure news of the unusual pap on Friday at 3:45 (15 min. before the organization closed so I couldn't really ask all the questions I required to :( my weekend has be ruinned because all I'm thinking logically is the worst (cancer).
I just don' know if they will know how to do it, I had an IUD surrounded by place for 4 years and at the time I did my pap I had it taken out I didn't hold my period during those 4 years, and immediately this weekend I started bleeding, I only see it when I go to the restroom I don't go and get it at any other time so I know my body is adjusting but I don't know if they'll know how to do the Colpo while I'm sort of bleeding. I'm going to have to dally forever now!! until the bleeding go away and then until we grasp the results of the procedure I'm sure. have any of you gone through this procedure? what be your experiences?

I'm not sure what's going on?

i actually simply had this done 2 weeks ago. i, approaching you, was extremely timid. when they called me next to the news of my phenomenal pap, the nurse told me that usually and abnormal pap result isn't anything to verbs about, and is cause by HPV (i'm sure you've heard of it). HPV cause abnormal change in the cell of your cervix, which usually go away and clear themselves on their own. the colposcopy is pretty much a moment ago making sure that this is the case. also, getting regular paps and colorposcopys done when needed will pick up any precancerous cells rash enough to be treated up to that time becoming serious. i know its stressful but the chances of you have cancer are very small. the precentage of women who if truth be told come out with have cancer after this procedure is very extraordinarily small. i'm surprised they didn't talk you through this when.

as far as the actualy procedure, they won't do it if you're have your period. they might know how to if you're just have some spotting or light bleading, but as far as an actual interval, you should probably reschedule.

i dont want to be graphic but the procedure be a little humiliated. it starts of like a pap (which i already find EXTREMELY uncomfortable). use a strong microscope to locate the atypical cells. they use a solution to dry out the nouns and show the cells more clearly (i focus they said it was a vinegar solution), afterwards they decide if they want to take a preview. they did with me. it pinches, and you bring cramps for a few minutes, then they put another solution on to stop the bleading. you can't enjoy sex for a week, or use tampons. you will notice a brownish discharge that looks close to coffee grinds...i know, its gross but thats from the solution they use to stop the bleading. i wore a pad for a unharmed week because i was so grossed out.

adjectives in adjectives my results came rear legs 2 days ago, and they said the abnormal cell were most possible caused from HPV, and i involve to come back for regular pap test every 4 months for a year just to save an eye on it. this is the most common result after getting a colposcopy.

they should explain everything to you back doing the procedure. it wasn't fun, but it wasn't that bad any. you can take 800mg of ibprofin a partially our to hour before going in, and it make it a little smaller amount uncomfortable. fitting luck! i'm sure you will be fine.

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Colposcopy is similar to having a PAP smear, except it is somewhat more invasive. Not only do you lie back on the table as in a usual Pap smear, but they also use an instrument to look at your cervix while applying some chemicals to visualize any abnormal cell on your cervix. If you are on your period, afterwards likely they will not be capable of do the procedure.
During the procedure, they put an acid, smells approaching vinegar, onto your cervix to "bring-out" abnormal cell. If they see any, then they will appropriate a biopsy.
I can only donate some words of comfort, but waiting few extra days will not change the results and possible diagnosis. This is easier said than done, but try to relax and hang around till your period is over and consequently have the procedure done.

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If the bleeding is immensely light, the dr. can usually run ahead with the colposcopy. I have one a couple of years ago. I had some mild bleeding after the procedure as very well. After getting the results I had cryosurgery to freeze the uncharacteristic cells and everything have come back usual ever since. Like you, I was worried and upset the entire time, going through adjectives the procedures and waiting for results is torture. You just own to pray and hope everything goes capably. Just remember, abnormal cell means PRE-cancerous and they can usually be treated up to that time cancer develops. Be thankful it be found early! Good luck!

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