A question for adult females only.?

I am a full grown woman (22 years old). I had incredibly late puberty. I am intensely small ..I am tall and greatly skinny. I have other been fundamentally skinny just inherently ..and therefore never have much breasts.but if I gain weight will I gain in that nouns and grow larger breasts or will they stay the small size forever since now I am "grown" up?


can someone narrate me what is good to guzzle when you got diverculosis?

if you gain bulk, it will usually be distributed all over your body, not in one demanding spot.
some women can gain in one spot first, like hips, or tummy, or yes, even their chest.

i wouldn't mound on it though.

ive had my extent for 2 weeks, why?

by gaining shipment some of the weight will travel to your breasts, but theres no controlling where exactly it go, so you will most likely be getting stout in other areas as powerfully

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u shouldnt really fastidiousness cuz u shuldnt really care wat pppl assume of u just continue untill the ttime comes look at the girl off of the show will and grace (look at grace) did she bring back surgrey or wanna get bigger no so dont verbs on how u look and getting fat it make u look ugly and it doesnt do anythingbut net u fat contained by the thies hips

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No u'll just obtain fat... grasp plastic surgery, stay skinny and love ur body.. ive thought a bout plastic surgery before

I havent be feeling resourcefully lately.?

i think you are pretty much done, getting pregnant is the merely thing that will easily enlarge that nouns. you can gain weight in attendance, but it won't look right.and thats only if you are really overweight.i hope this doesn't affect your self esteem, if it is conceivably think roughly a boob job? my friend did and she loves them

PLEASE abet me!?

Hon, listen for a minute. it only untaught with your body frame to hold to body and shape that you have and its wonderful. But if you want to gain weightiness that will make your bust size bigger but are you sure you want that? Its typical for your weight to be in motion up so will your bust size, but remember your waist size and your body will have more plump to deal near and it will become worse for your body to deal near the weight, so no this, your body is dazzling and you don't want to mess with a apt thing. Take prudence Heather

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everyone is different. sometimes when race gain weight it go to their legs and butt (me!), sometimes to the boobs and face. even if you gain consignment i really cant imagine that your breasts will grow that significantly or even at adjectives. youll just look similar to a fat girl beside small boobs instead of a skinny girl with small boobs. they may coppers when you have a infant, they usually get bigger consequently. if it bothers you that much look into implants. virtuous luck

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i'd enunciate, be healthy, but adopt urself the way u are.
seriously fit personality and confidence and umm...friendliness will be WAY more attractive and noticable than boobs...coz i NEVER awareness boobs on anyone.

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well i thought i was grown but i guess i wasn't i own large breast and other have so i be upset when i went on birth-control to aid with my unusual periods and go up a whole cup-size i am not wise saying you should go on birth-control to grow boobs but if you be thinking of them for other reasons afterwards there is another one

Could i take pregnant?

if you gain weight your breast CAN attain bigger, Most people still believe that your breast will stay impossible to tell apart if you gain or loose weight which is not true. But here is no guarantee how much weight you will gain in your breast if any as it could compress out in other places of your body.

What are your thoughts on thisb/c put somebody through the mill?

If you gain weight, yes your breasts will find bigger, but you would gain weight adjectives over, not just within that area.

DO you infer..?

If you gain weight at hand's a chance you'll see an increase in your bust but honestly, you can't control where on earth the weight go so it's really not effective. Besides, you could cessation up less glad with be the weight go.

Just invest in a good bra and work the features you resembling about yourself.


I am a overweight girl with big boobs, if i be skinny, i would still have big boobs. it vary person to being. what you need to do is be satisfied with your body the method it is, and the way it will be. Don't listen to these girls on this forum describing you to get implant just to "look" cute. Do it because you want to, not because others influence you should. Plus in nonspecific men like an hourglass proportion, no situation how big or small you are. the top should be in proportion beside your bottom. so it would look kinda funny if you are a tiny girl, with big implant, and a flat butt. Now that is "not" cute.

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