WHAT causes bladder infections? could i have one? can sex cause one?

ever since i woke up this morning, everytime i pee.it's been outlook wierd. i keep have a burning and pintching feeling contained by my bladder. ive had to pee, it seem like every 5 to 10 minutes! and it hurts so desperate.. ive never had one..so i own no idea what cause it. i drink plenty of water, not quite any sodas.im thinkn it could be from sex..i dunno. if you have ne information, please agree to me know.

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Sex can DEFINATELY cause a UTI(urinary tract infection). Im no doctor, but that sounds resembling exactly what you have. I own had several. My doc say to drink cranberry juice..works wonders I swear! Drink lots of cranberry liquid and lots of water. If you perceive problems after a day or two.or if near is any blood in your urine or if you can't urinate AT ALL..see your doctor ASAP, could be signs of a kidney stone or a more serious condition. Hope this help. Also.to prevent another UTI from sex.always move about straight to the bathroom and pee right after having sex. Sounds resembling a mood killer, I know, but it save ya a lot of stinging problems!!

is the dangerous for consumption?

Sex can cause bladder infections. Try drinking cranberry liquid and see if that helps. Also, urinate right bafore and right after intercourse to prevent further infection.

Ok resourcefully i had my first term feburary 28 but dont no when my next one is im still waiting what should i do?=)

Yes, you probably hold a urinary tract infection, which usually comes from sex. You got germs in your urethra which cause an infection. You need to move about to the doctor and get on antibiotics beforehand it spreads to your kidneys and becomes a serious problem. I go and get these all the time, especially when I'm on top. Good luck to you!

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i get cronic bladder infections, on the whole from sex or soap. After you have sex you should pee right away! or try peeing formerly too if you know its going to happen. If you do obtain one first off try cranberry liquid, AZO and OTC that will help beside the pain and frequency, and afterwards get to a doctor, sometimes anti-biotics will singular get rid of it, ask for cipro, works in the first day.hold the doctor go over preventions beside you.

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Yes sex can cause it, germs can get into your urethra if you dont verbs properly afterwards. Thats why they always update you to pee after sex, it cleanses the urethra out. You should go to your docs and achieve on an antibiotic for it. If u cant go to docs, drink lots of sea and cranberry juice, that should give support to a bit.

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you can get a bladder infection from sex, you can in fact push fluids into your urethra. You should always pee after sex to avoid this. Also if you chew over you have a bladder infection you call for to go to the Doctor because it can progress into your kidneys

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yes it can be from your husband it is yeast infection clutch optiflora that will heal it but your husband have to take it for a while

What is wrong beside me?

yes sex can cause it. Your supposed to pee after you enjoy sex to prevent getttin a urinary infection.

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