Gave birth on january, still on my period, help?

i gave birth within january. bled for entire forty days, rested a week then started my length on march 3. (very weighty non-stop) my doc has changed my birth control pills 3 times in a minute but has not worked. my hand are very watery and they are numb and tingly. also i feel thoroughly light-headed and feel similar to i'm going to faint. i constantly hold headaches and main cramps. please help beside any info.

advice for adults only. ?

I agree next to letgo-
I became anemic beside my first one-
bled for 3 months-off 1 week-
then 3 more months.
45 days beside my second-hemorrhaged after birth-
anemia didn't help this any..
after my fourth, I got awfully ill, kept bleeding,
couldn't way of walking, too weak, couldn't stand, 3 months-
couldn't pick up my 10 pound infant for fear I would drop him,
they couldn't follow where adjectives of this blood was coming from or why?
Was so desiccated had to travel to hospital to get iv's-it sucked!
Did you surpass any blood clots after you had your tot?

I don't mean to be gross or anything, but when you're in the
hospital, after you enjoy the baby, they are supposed to push on your uterus to give a hand push out the extra blood or clots that may still be in in attendance,,,,I cramped bad when clots be associated.
I don't ever recall my doctor have anything to do with birth control as an option- but i really don't infer that its helping your situation right now,,,it isn't really needed,,,,could another makeshift substitute comply til you can figure out why you aren't outlook well?

I hop e you win more answers than I was competent to,
cuz they always report to me they don't know what the problem is.
Good luck, I hope you feel better.

Have you have an Abortion?

I had one and the same problem too. You are becoming very anemic from bleeding so much. Stop the birth control. I completed up going on the depo shot. Some women can't take the pill. I would bleed more and more when he changed the dosage on the pill. Try the shot and see if that works for you. I would also rob some extra iron to build your blood supply back up.

Why are you supposed to start birth control on your interval?

i would stop taking the pill altogether and see what happens. i can't assume that changing pills 3 times surrounded by that many months can own a positive effect on the body. get sour them and give your body a break to reset itself. the light-headed feelings might be from anemia. i'm pregnant right immediately and anemic. i know that i feel that same opening if i don't take my iron supplements.

Vagina probs! one for the ladies?

change doctors hurried hun.. that is not conventional..
you might be a bit anemic also... Eat some iron rich foods.. If you can tolerate liver.. maybe chicken fried chicken livers.. Spinach.. loads of it..
But still you entail to see someone else.. goodluck and God bless you

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I believe its normal, your body have recently go through a lot and it wants time to heal. I have mine for 40 days and now i hold my periods backbone even thought I am a full time breastfeeding mom, and my last time of year lasted 11days and i be very amazingly heavy. :) So if your doctor is not concerned you shouldn't be any.

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If you are having that style of post partum bleeding you need to own a CBC drawn to establish whether or not you have lost a substantial amount of blood,(enough to warrant a transfusion) or not. If your doctor have changed you pills 3x and things have not enhanced consult with another physician for a second view or if the bleeding is extreme, go to the emergency room. This is NOT commonplace. You do not want to faint or miss out while tending to your newborn, so please seek a second inference, it is in your best interest! There could be disfavour from the delivery, or something resembling fibroids.etc... irregardless, you need to capture this issue resolved asap!

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you hold to seek medical sustain. losing so much blood isn't good nor strength... it is however common but near proper treatment they can suggestion opinion for you. the lantern headiness and feeling lightheaded is the lose of blood - and iron that's in your blood stream - you will be fear tired and fatigue as well this is because the excessive amount of blood one lost.. each creature is different and this is why u must seek medical advice/help.. appropriate luck and take it unforced.

Waxing and Stubble?

You have DUB (dysfunctional uterine bleeding). Go hindmost to your OBGYN. Ask for a total blood count and a pelvic exam. You could have a small hole in your cervix that still have not healed, or perforation of the uterine wall. Either route it sounds like you are anemic.

When you've be bleeding heavily for that long, this snowball-effect starts happening. You become anemic, (lack of iron) because of the blood loss, which cause you to bleed even more, which causes you to become more anemic which cause you to bleed get the point. Your symptoms give the impression of being to correlate with anemia.

Beside making an appointment near your doc, start eating lots of deep-green leafy veggies, and red meat. Find a multivitamin near iron, but be careful of taking too much, it can impose constipation.

As a last resort, your doc can hand over you a shot to stop the bleeding, or perform a procedure call abalation (cauterize the uterus). Abalation should be a LAST resort as it causes sterility.

Can have a sonohesterogram?


Help? Stressed and i don't know it?

go to a real gynocologist and possibly you need to receive off pills and consent to your body settle down, make him use a condom.

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