Breast discharge?.....

I was doing a self breast exam. Today I hold yellow and exceedingly dark/almost green discharge coming out of the nipple. What does this mean? Is this regular? Should I be worried? No, I'm not pregnant and there is no arbitrariness I would be either. Can something resembling this be caused by stress? Can it be cause by medications? This is lately the type of thing that I can take myself REALLY worked up about. Thanks within advance for your comfort.


Is size zero influential?

When my doctor be demonstrating the self breast exam to me she told me to also pinch the nipples a bit to check for discharge. Her exact words were in attendance should be no discharge coming from your nipples unless you're pregnant or breastfeeding and if there is, its a sign of some sort of infection that you'll stipulation antibiotics for. She didn't make it nouns cancerous or anything, just that sometimes for a mixture of reasons you can bring infections in your breast tissue but it does have to be treated. The color process more to the doctors than they do to any of us because we don't know what one color discharge means from the subsequent but just that the discharge itself is indicative of medical treatment. I don't regard as you should be worked up but simply make your appointment first point in the morning, describe your symptoms over the phone to the nurse and pocket care of yourself. Whatever the bring is, medication or otherwise your doctor truly is your best source of information.

Good luck and take nurture of yourself.

G Spot?

No, what you are experiencing is not normal. You stipulation to get surrounded by to see your dr this week to have this looked within to to see if one of the possibilities for this discharge is an infection.

Why is it?

it is not normal
yes you should be worried
you have infection and you should obtain a mammogram to see if any more of the breast is involved=good luck

I have PCOS and hold been have unprotected sex for 6 months, with no period, could I be pregnant? Just PCOS

It means that you call for to see your gynecologist right away.

what would cause bleeding lone 7 days after last spell?

DONT PANIC. go to the DR. if it be white and you wear in pueberty than it would be mundane.

the visit to the doctor is the BEST answer to this request for information.

Stay on Actonel for bone loss?

Don't panic, but do move about see a doctor. You should always enjoy nipple discharge examined, and it sounds like you may hold an infected duct. It should be taken care of efficiently, but normally infected ducts do not put you at a greater risk of breast cancer.

But to reassure you, a surprising number of women do seize some nipple discharge during self breast exams. I have surrounded by the past (and logically I freaked right the heck out). So go see a doc: they'll fix you right up.

Anyone ever have intestinal yeast overgrowth?

you may have an infection that you involve to get taken concern of right away because this is definitely not majority

How much weight did you loose right after you give birth? please answer?

uh...not normal
it might be breast cancer

Period cramping?

This isn't normal.Any discharge from the breast aside from milk during lactation period is a signal for a more serious condition problem. Don't delay on seeking for medical assistance.
God bless!

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