I have PCOS and have been having unprotected sex for 6 months, with no periods, could I be pregnant? Just PCOS

I know with Polycystic ovaries you dont other have period, so I can't go by missed period to see if i'm pregnant - i've done 3 tests over the end 3 months just to trade name sure and they have adjectives been glum. Would PCOS effect the test results?

The pill give me high blood pressure, so I come off it, but the doctor didn't tender me any other forms of contraceptive, because he said the chances of getting pregnant be so low.

The problem now is, I want to capture pregnant - I am happily married and constantly surface broody. How can I increase the chances of getting pregnant?

My closing period be 20 feb & had brown to red spotting from 12-17 demo, had sex on 17th convoy.?

Having PCOS should not affect the accuracy of a home pregnancy trial. Pregnancy tests detect human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), which is produced when nearby is a fertilized egg in the uterus. You don't own it in your body unless you're pregnant. That isn't to articulate that the tests themselves can't provide a false gloomy or false positive, but having PCOS won't inflict the test to be wrong.

Some women next to PCOS do get pregnant unexpectedly--your doctor should not hold told you that you didn't need contraception when you didn't want to become pregnant! We don't necessarily ovulate regularly, but some of us do ovulate occasionally. Anytime you ovulate and don't use contraception, within is a chance of pregnancy. We only just have no passageway of predicting if/when we'll ovulate. In the future when you're no longer trying to receive pregnant, consider a non-hormonal method of birth control--I've used a diaphragm and would recommend it.

As far as trying to get pregnant, the first step for oodles women with PCOS who enjoy trouble conceiving is metformin (Glucophage). PCOS is often cause by insulin resistance, which causes insulin to add in the body and interfere beside ovarian function. Metformin is a diabetes drug that helps near insulin resistance and can return ovarian function to normal. It doesn't work for everyone, but some women can ovulate by taking metformin.

If metformin alone doesn't work, it's commonly combined with fertility treatments similar to Clomid. This is a true fertility medication (unlike metformin, which is not a fertility drug). Every patient responds differently to treatment--for some women met alone works, some respond to Clomid, some own to pursue further treatment and some need no assist at all.

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if you are fat later you are pregnant (should be after 6 months)

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Yeah, I thought I couldn't get pregnant any, but I did eventually. If you have sex ample times, it will happen. And yep, the birth control pill other gave me large blood pressure. I'm glad someone else understands this!

Stop taking birth control if you want to acquire pregnant. It's possible.

Oh, and for the record, to set SOME empire straight on PCOS. I was not flabby or overweight when I first got pregnant. :-) Underweight. My condition is adjectives from my mother.

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There's a Yahoo group called "PCOS and Pregnancy." Go in that for support and advice. :-) It's worked wonders for me.

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