My spell hasn't come for 4, 5 months... Why?

I know for sure that it's not due to pregnancy - I'm a virgin, no fooling around, etc...

My period started getting funky ever since I started college last September, but consequently it stopped completely 4, 5 months ago. Should I be worried? What can I get it to do to get it subsidise? Advice?

-a worried girl

Answers:    check this out =]
well since ur in college, i would enjoy to say stress girl!

stress can make you miss your spell, and on top of that if ur stressing bout a test or exam and your not consumption right, that can also put ur period on hold.

but if i were you i would be celebrate, i wish mine could be like that!.
could be a few different things... polycystic ovary disease, thyroid problems, irregular hormones. Best to see your OB for blood work and exam and possibly see an endocrinologist

usually put you on pills to bring on your period (hormones)- usually progesterone.
if your VERY overweight or underweight it can skip
if you work out alot

honestly id be healthy if mine just stopped.

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