What (besides pregnancy) could make u miss ur period?

Im 15 and i've had a regular menstral cycle since i be 11. so i know it cant be that. i could be pregnant, but im really scared. could ANYthing excluding pregnancy make ur menstral cycle irregular? If so next WHAT? Thanx ahead of time

I stared my period within class and everyone is laughing at me!!?

I know you are probably freaking out right now, but you should really take a open breath. Certain birth controls can cause your menstrual cycle to at up and come and shift. I'm 19 and I've had a regular cycle since i be 12, but everyone once in a while it will mess up and come a week or so belatedly. Stress is a big part surrounded by that. Stress slows your body down and screws beside you a little. To be locked, I would say merely go down to a store and buy yourself a home preg. question paper. That way you know for sure and can win rid of the fear of one pregnant. If you are, its really not the end of the world, at tiniest you're not worried about a disease. Good luck and mind!

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my friend told me her doc said anorexia can make u miss it.

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Whether you've be regular your whole time or not, your still fifteen and puberty plays a huge cut in it. Another entry is stress. If you stress about prenacy, you can get it way unpaid. So try and relax.

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some girls freshly miss it my lil sis gets hers everyother month (sometimes) but if your have sex then your pregnet SOrry

Here is the muther of adjectives q?

Stress..You're 15 and you're having sex! Wow..mind your Ps and Qs, wear a condom, and maybe you should really suggest about adjectives the consequences

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Lots of things...stress can be one of them. Low body fat percentage is another. If I own a cold or the flu, mine will be late.

Better carry yourself tested to be sure though.

HELP!! do you think I'm turning anorexic??

it may be due to hormonal disparity also.

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it could be due to stress. even over excercise.

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so plentiful things can cause a missed time of year that are not serious. Stress is the front runner. Have you been exercising more lately than you own previously? Often times, if your body is expending a lot of strength on an activity, it have nothing vanished for your menstrual cycle. Also, you may not be eating plenty. Don't sweat it, many girls own irregularities from time to time and everything seems to work itself out sooner or following. Good Luck!

Why do I get clumsy & give the impression of being to attract bad luck newly before have my period?

Even if you are have sex, there is no guarantee that you're pregnant. Your time of year will probably be irregular for the next several years. Hormonal change (which happen throughout puberty), stress, freight changes, etc. will impose changes/ missed periods. Don't verbs. However, if it has be 14 days since you had sex, budge get a pregnancy examination from the drug store.

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