Is being 5.7 and weighing 102 normal what should i eat to gain give me breakfast ideas besides meats in morng?


I got the IUD paragard and my ovary hurt alot why?

I own the same exact problem. I'm 5'8'' and 105. It's SO concrete to gain weight, and culture just don't realize that. Also, there are a short time ago as many, save more, stereotypes for skinny girls as there are for overweight girls. It's a moment ago that people don't touch the need to camoflauge their opinion on our bodies. How many times can you hear "Oh my gosh, you're so skinny!," or "Geeze... drink something! You're skin and bones" without letting your self esteem travel down? Anyway, I heard that you should put away before you travel to bed at night. I'm trying it and I hope that it works!

how long does your first cycle end?

Pizza & Beer

Painful Painful Cramps!!?

Carbohydrates! Eat pancakes in the morning! Eat sphagetti at night!

What is sex ?

Actually you should drink more carbs. Thats what makes you gain immensity.

Can a women period end more than it surpose to, it that normal ?

McDonald's breakfast. Or eggs, they enjoy protein. Lots of carbs too. Toast and jelly. Whole milk.

Please I need to hear from someone who have to end a pregnancy for medical reason?

ur way underweight for your plane, u need to gain approaching 15- 20 pounds i think

Is in attendance a smaller tampon available that is smaller & slender than a slender tampax tampon close to a jr tampon?

You want to eat things that are full of complex carbohydrates. Maybe added proteins too. Yogurt, tuna, I don`t know you can add one of those "feast replacement" drinks to your breakfast foods. This will add up your calorie count...and not be so elevated in sugar content. I also am 5' 7" and I am route past 102. Have you considered have some blood work done to check your thyroid? Sometimes if the thyroid is over can downsize your ability to gain counterweight. Just an idea. Good Luck

my toe nail are not growing properly they are chipping off?

OK that weightiness is not normal, especially for your stage...have u tried eggs...take home your self omelets, they r good for u and they just now did a study and found that they do not raise your omelets next to lots of veggies and ham or sausage...protein to your doctor and see if he/she will refer u to a nutritionist.right luck and i hope u put some weightby the side of

Help, please!?

pancakes and/or crepes/sweedish pancakes

What else can be happening to me if i don't gain my periods?

wow psyche say your pretty bony maybe basically decrease physical labor A BIT, and get through a bit more at meal timnes, by increasing protein consumption

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