I stared my period in class and everyone is laughing at me!!?

i had blood on my pant and even the teachers laughed

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awww hun, i grain rly sori for you, there adjectives immcure and the teachers should know better, of late act similar to it didnt bother you and your bigger than tht, BE STRONG lol xXx

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Nice story

What do you do when you come to know that?

You should talk to your consular/ principal at your conservatory about your teacher laughing at you. Just try to brush it off and forget give or take a few it. If someone brings it up say "Yeah that be pretty embarrasing for me" and change subjects-People will eventually bring tired of it and stop.

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report it to you principal your teacher should be more considerate. Have your mom step in and form a fuss. That is what I would do.

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It's okay.
Tell them it's not funny.

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well i dont know what to say but i can read out is am sorry forget about it is a human point that happens and every girl have its embrasssing moments

Help again?

you should tell your parents and your principal. this have happened to me and one of my friends but not a soul ever laughed at us. i am sorry this happen to u! and its not funny cause every girl go through it sometime in their enthusiasm. and guys ur wife or g/f will have a interval one day and u'll enjoy to deal beside it then so u shoud never snigger at anyone!!

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DAANG that sucks.get them fund

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Act similar to nothing happen or make a kid of it when you go surrounded by class again. I had so abundant embarrassing things arise to me when I was younger and immediately I look back and merely laugh. I even used to cry closely, thinking of what others would think about me and it's basically a waste of time. Your better than them and remember that when you budge in class subsequent time.

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yea i would go put in the picture teh princeapal that the teacher be laughing!

was it a masculine teacher?

all right its ok hunn it alomost happend to me =]]

No period, not pregnant?

tell them it is a reality of life and as for the don have ur parent elevate a fuss that is what i would do oh and it is nought to fell bad around it has heppened to me but no body laugh bc most of the people contained by class were womanly its ok just screech it off

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A similar article happened to me. I have told someone I trusted that I had gotten my term and soon the whole arts school knew. Since I am one and only in 5th echelon it was really mortifying and all the boys be like omg you get your period.

The attention be good though :)

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geez notify them to grow up. your teach is a moron

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