Pregnancy problems HELP PLEASE?

ok i have tree boys another on the passageway,my last birthes be pre term babys 34 weeks and 35 weeks ,do you muse ill own another early birth,they hold on to comeing earlyer then the later ,i also found out my baby have a 2 vessal cord witch means insted of 1 artery and 2 vanes his cord have 1 vane and 1 artary,thats also something im cooping with any serrious info would minister to any one that has a serrious answer please psyche like to hear frome you thank you and god bless,and yes i chitchat to my doctors but they dont tell me much sould i worrie?

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Hi my sister had duplicate problen with have her babies early,35 and 36 weesks,and 36 weeks for her third child,so it is a possible that your third can be rash too.i'm not really sure about 2 vessalr cord,but you could look it up on the net,but i'm sure everything will be just fine,i'll pray for you and your household in my prayers.perfect luck too you and the family and may god bless.

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I'm worried that you own THREE boys and you can't SPELL PROPERLY~!!
I almost started to answer your question seriously,after got silly at the spelling!! Please use the spell check.

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THIS condition is adjectives.AND if your Dr has told you nought then your fine.BUT respectively baby coming ahead of time that's pretty normal 4 this condition. MY sisters babies respectively one is getting bigger+ bigger each pregnancy. this is her third.SHE is not have any more.

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Since you own a history it is a good possibility that you will own another preemie. You need to stay surrounded by contact with your doctor and ask him on the risks of the child being born next to any defects etc. Only the professionals that promise with this specialty nouns are going to be able to hand over you sound advocate.

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I'm not a doctor by any means but I do know that anxiety is unpromising for pregnant women. they have done studies that anxiety can bring on preterm labor. as for the 2 vessel cord more than feasible it just way the the baby will be small for gestational age. so I know its tough but try and relax and get equipped for your new son

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