What is wrong with me? i have been with my husband for nineteen years i love him to bits,?

the only point is when it comes to sex i cringe, i pretend to be asleep or just slight him, i had a c slice eleven years ago and had some problems, immediately when i do have sex i draw from like a time of year cramp which is bad. so thats what puts me stale sex, please help aqm i a short time ago being horrible to him.


rite you two need to communicate big time, describe him about your cramp and both of you will go to the doctor and check out whats wrong, he'll support you adjectives the way. Please if you love him to bits, afterwards you got to agree to him in. It'll hurt him to hear that he be hurting you when having sex. It break my heart audible range this. You guys suppose to be in love, not passion as if you have to hold sex. Come on, speak to him, let him support you surrounded by any way. Don't shut him out. Good luck and agree to me know how you got on. Take exactness. And no your not being foul, he'll understand why you be put off have sex. You just want him to be at ease, but he is happy beside you, but he'll be hurt that he was cause you abit of pain when have sex. you be okay babe. but please tell him. Mwah.

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Maybe this is related to scar tissue from the C partition causing backache? I think you should see your doctor going on for it!

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maybe you should get the torment thing checked out by a doctor

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You should try and go to the doctor and see whats going on down there!

You will wrapping up up putting a strain on your marriage because even though sex isnt everything it is something!

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You are thinking that when you will have sex it would be painfull.Your problem is more of psyclogical than physical. Just relax prior to and during sex.

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It could be blemish tissue.
Please see your GP and ask to be referred to a gynaecologist who is a specialist in this grazing land.
I would also tell your husband the truth as he will be foreboding rejected.

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No. You are not just mortal nasty to him! if you have c-section surgery, you may have some muscle harmed or just muscular vulnerability that results in a uncomfortable muscle spasm instead of a smooth orgasm. Sit down and talk to your husband when you are not contemplating sex, around your cramp that comes when you try to climax. If he is capable of benevolent and loves you, he will not mind trying to understand what you are experiencing and attain you some help by self more gentle and considerate. Then, see a apt gynecologist and a good standard practioner to check your general strength condition.

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I don't think your person nasty to him at adjectives however I do think you should transmit him that though. He might have notice that somethings not right and might be just as worried. Let him know that it have nothing to do next to how much you love him or that u don't want to sleep with him. Go drop by your GP and tell him everything. Good luck

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You don't grant your age, this might have be helpful.

Happy, but sexless or virtually sexless marriage are a lot more adjectives that most people contemplate. Depite the media hype.

If you love him to bits, the first piece you need to do is ask your husband what he think. Contrary to popular opinion men may also enjoy low sex drives as they get elder. If he is happy as things are, as you appear to be, excluding a little guilt, which might be resolved by this conversation, you obligation do nothing.

If however he is eager to have sex, and that reply cause you to also want to change the mode you feel, consequently you need to desire professional help, probably starting with your GP.

As I said though it appears that chirpy sexless marriages are relatively common. If this turns out to be the luggage between you and your husband, just relax and be beaming in respectively others company.

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You really need to tell to him about this sweetheart. Also you call for to see a doc.
But do you think that possibly the cramp is a psychological reaction to your dislike of sex? If it is a dislike.
Did this discomfort come up just after the c bit or did it start a few years after?
Perhaps this side of your marriage have broken down. I really can't answer you but i do empathise.

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maybe at hand is scarring from your c section that make it painful to enjoy sex, you might want to go and see your soctor something like it to see if anything can be done.

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