Unsteady period..?

i got it on march past like 18th a year ago.
my ultimate period be on like january 8 and i didn't win it since then
i hear its normal in the first year or so for it to be unsteady but its been a year
what do i do...="[

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If you're concerned that there's a problem or that you might be pregnant, step see a doctor.

However, it can be "unsteady" as you said for longer than a year. It can take several years for your body to catch on a predictable rhythm, and can even require birth control hormones in command to be totally regular and predictable. My advice would be to articulate to your doctor about it. S/he will know best what to do.

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It can take over a year to become regular. Keep within mind, stress and other things can throw your period past its sell-by date.

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some people NEVER stablize. Like me. some times it is nought sometimes it is something if you haven't stablized in a year i recomend asking your dr. it could be diabetes or something worse. or like me in recent times the way you are. Good luck and it will probably be fixed within the first year.

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It is pretty normal. Sometimes if you are underweight, it a short time ago goes away and comes support later. However, it's best to find it checked out by your doctor. It's probably nothing, but they can report to you what you need to do/not to do.

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Are you sexually moving sounds to me like your pregnant I suggest you progress and get a pregnancy theory test.

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Count your blessings and don't adapt a thing. I give somebody a lift it your young and time of year isn't steady yet. If your tangible worried make an appt next to the doctor.

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if it isnt steady immediately see a Dr to put you on birth control pills to regulate your periods

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you must see a doctor right away... don't hang around it out like other individuals say. the blood is supposed to flush out of your reproductive system typically and if its not doing so then in that's some attention needed in that are. some also nick birth control to regulate normal extent.

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It is conventional for periods to be irregular contained by the first couple years. Mine has other been a bit irregular. If you are surrounded by athletics or anything that can affect it as well. If you are still worried going on for it you could always homily to your doctor or some one that could give you more information.

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I think u r childlike so u still have timeOh and i still don't really enjoy a stable period yet(I'm 13 if it helps)

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