I am only 11 and just got my period. Any ideas on how to tell my mom?

I need ttampons or pad.
But i dont know how to tel my mom and i am scared. please sustain me

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I felt the exact same track and to this day, I'll never know why I be scared to let somebody know her. My mom and I get along vastly well. I rolled up wad of toilet paper and used band-aids to support it to my panties, so believe me, you are not alone. I was with the sole purpose 9 when I started and all I know about have a period be that you bled...I didn't know it was merely for a few days a month...I thought you starting bleeding and didn't stop until you were an frail lady!

As everyone else have mentioned, just jump tell her...consider the alternative of not describing her...you're going to have to ask her to buy you current panties because they are all stained. You'll hold stains in your jeans, skirts, shorts...I'd choose the best choice and tell her.

Maybe commence by saying, "Mom, be you scared the first time you started your time?" and go from at hand. It is nothing to be anxious or scared of...we adjectives go through it.

Good luck and big hugs :) We'll adjectives be with you surrounded by spirit when you tell her!

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Say, "Hey mom, I get my period and I obligation some pads."

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Hon! Just step up to her and tell her. Why haven't you done that? Are you afraid she'll be silly or something? Of course she won't. She got her first time when she was a kid, too. All us girls did. Nothing to alarm or be ashamed of. She'll probably get adjectives choked up..."My baby's a woman immediately!"

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Just tell her. She's your mom. That is what mom's are suppose to be for.

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Just explain to her. I am sure that she suspects it will be coming soon. And she will be able to answer any question you may have almost it.

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Most girls recieve thier length between 10-14 years old. So, you've started at newly the right time. I started at 11 as well. Just update you mom. Your period is nil to be ashamed of. She will understand & I'm sure she'll give support to you get the things that you call for. Pretty much every girl goes throught this- lately go tell to her : )

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don't be afraid of Mom =she is the best human being to go to
she know what it is like and can seize you set up with what you involve

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just narrate her. she went through indistinguishable feelings when she started her time. it is nothing to be ashamed of. you mother will still love you!

she will work out you more than you think.

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Why are you so scared? Its a untaught thing that everyone go through including your mom so just permit her know what happened and tolerate her help you out. Dont be ashamed

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Hey there. Relax, it's okay! :) I be 11 when I started my period. Luckily I be at home and I just told my mom and we talk about it and she give me a pad and showed me how to use it (I don't approaching the way tampons feel), but respectively has their own partiality. It's not hard to appropriate care of, but you own to change your wipe every couple of hours, depending on how heavy you time of year is. Talk to your mom, just describe her. It's something EVERY girl goes through at one point or another. You'll find it's not as awkward as you fearfulness. Congratulations, you're getting older! lol.

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get your underwear with blood on it and afterwards change into a brand new underwear and then voice mom mom why am i bleeding?? then she will report to you oh you have your term let me buy you some pad! i know it will work

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Just recount her Aunt Flo has come for a look in and needs some supplies. She'll know what you have need of.

I too did not want anyone to know, but I had two elder sisters who always have some necessity's handy. So It made life plentifully easier.
But now, I wonder why I be so scared, so don't be upset she will be elated and will back you all she can, I don`t know even go over board. Please agree to her know, she will help you. And if mortified ask your friends to help you use tampons. Went through a intact box of my friends but finally got it right. You don't lose your virginity despite what race tell you. It is nontoxic just silver them frequently.

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just tell her...to be exact a special time for a mother and her daughter. she will enjoy giving you support. sounds crazy but as a mother its a special time in our daughters lives and we want to appropriate part. so put your foot up to her and hey mom i think its time we move about buy pads together! honest luck

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There is nothing to be anxious or ashamed of. You should be able to inform your mom what is happening and ask her to help yourself to you to the store to buy what you need. Personally, I first used pad, then found them to be intensely uncomfortable. So I switched, and am much happier in a minute. If you are active within sports, tampons are usually easier to deal beside.

If nothing else, phone the local public health department and converse to the nurse there. It should be free, and they can minister to you with adjectives sorts of stuff. Welcome to womanhood.

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just teII your ur mom..don be terrified.

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Why in the world are you upset? Getting your period is purely like losing little one teeth or growing an inch taller. It just happen. If your scared of your mom, especially of what she'll do or enunciate because you got your time of all things, I meditate you have something more to verbs about than getting pad or tampons. Is there a feminine teacher or nurse at your university that you're comfortable talking near? Or maybe an aunt or elder female relative? If anything, your mother should be glowing and excited for you because you're growing into a lady.Please, if you're panicky that this is a bad point and that your mother will punish you, consider getting some help from an mature you trust.

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hey im 11 to we have to watch a movie in the region of...well you no!
report her that its around the time that you r growing and its been your turn (if ya no wut i meen) consequently jus tell her you've started!
she'll have a handle on shes gone thru it every wommen has! receive out your braveness goggles! god will be with u. if she freaks ask wut she did when she "started" ! hope i heped suitable luck!!

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Sweetie, it's nil to be afraid of. Your mom will be there to guide you as to what to do. Tampons is a big NO NO, at your age. And, if you opt when you get elder, be careful as you can find toxic poisioning from them and can kill you. You must know what you are doing. Talk to mom

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its not a thing 2 be ashamed of!! i be 10 when i started mine. but i was at arts school. the weird entity is, me and 4 other friends started ours at the same time.. we adjectives went to the conservatory nurse and asked for pads. consequently she had us nickname our moms. trust me i didnt think my mom would be totally benevolent of it.. seing how i was individual 10 at the time. personally i disgust the feeling of tampons my mom couldnt wear hers until after she have my sister. but if you want 2 be clean down in that and not smell then you might want 2 use the tampons!! GOOD LUCK HUNNI!!

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I know how you feel. When I first get my period I be scared to. The article is it's not that big of a deal, only remember your mom is a women too. She went through adjectives the things your going through and she will be able to receive you through it. As for you being 11 explicitly not much of a problem either. Girls are getting their period younger and younger these days due to body types and the environments they are around. So, I suggest you newly sit your mother down and tell her it's more than plausible she will be very supportive and sustain you through it.

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I am 12 and haven't have it yet but I would a moment ago tell her that you get it so that she can get you wha you inevitability. If you got it at 11 explicitly probably close to when she got hers

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Hey there, resourcefully just recount her. My mom found out before I told her but give me the time to tell her. she be a lot of lend a hand. It is not like it's a desperate thing. Just move about up to her and be like, "Hey mom, I newly got my time and I need some relief picking out the right pads and stuff." hope that help

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There's no reason to be anxious. You just relay her. Or you bleed all over yourself, because you're too startled to tell your mom you started and ask for some pad.

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Just come out and articulate,"Mom I have my interval I would like tampons/pads" Trust me,I know how you have a feeling,I got my extent 1 week after I turned 11.

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Just make clear to her she will understand and backing you out, and do some research about the risks and adjectives

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Its not that big of a deal. So you shouldnt be making a big accord out of it. The only item I would be worried about is your mom mortal emotional. Lol. But simply tell her you involve pads. Its that simple.

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Just bring up to date her. Mom's live for the day their little girls take their periods. My mom practically did rather happy salsa when I got mine.

Sometimes I verbs about how iam going to clear for the monthly stuff.?

dont worry, most moms are so excited for their daughters. only sit her down and say... i get my period, can we achieve some pads? apt luck dont be scared, you are properly a woman!

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Just tell her. The most she will do is cooperate to you about it :)

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