Girls Only Please?

Hey i just considered necessary to know if you have the time of year and you take a shower do you bring fat? or does anything else begin? because i heard that you can carry fat similar to that, or is it just a myth? thx for ur answers! =)

Answers:    It's just a myth, doesn't have anything to do near it. but its true if you having your time it seems you getting bigger/ fatter, but its single a hormonal problem and temporary. Soon you will come support to your normal size when your extent finished.
its a myth, nothing happen to you, its like taking a regular shower approaching any other time =D lol, that's a complete myth

How does that even make sense?
you will not catch fat by taking a shower on your interval WHAT? Get fat taking a shower? Come on, do you believe that?

When you find your period the just thing that change is you have your length. Nothing else. Bathe as usual.
I have never hear of that one before.

It's a myth.

Please shower while menstrating for hygeine reason.

BUT don't have a tub unless you are wearing a tampon as it's not very verbs. But that's up to you of course.
What? getting lubricant from taking a shower during your period? that doesn't even bring in may bloat when you have your length, but it doesn't have anything to do near a shower...but just a piece of warning, shower often during your time of year to stay won't make you grease... Whaaaattttt!?!?
Taking a shower while on your period does NOT kind you fat..
if thats what you are asking!
Wow! I've never hear that! It's completely false...could you imagine not showering for a week? Yuck. Who on EARTH made that one up? There's no logical process that could make you large. You get fatter during your extent because you're retaining water resembling crazy. It just happen, whether you're bathing or not. Just drink coffee or something, your body really feels it NEEDS adjectives that water.
lately a myth... there is no path that could happen. and besides you don't wanna smell lol Only if you're extra-absorbant. Like SpongeBob.
whoever told you that desires to be shot, complete MYTH! yes you might get rather bloted during your period ( not from showering though) but that go away when you period finishes. Wow...No!! if you own your period and bear a shower don't get overweight.where within the world did you hear that from?? Its actually a outstandingly good model that if you have your time of year to take a shower to carry rid of bacteria and "odor" that come from germs.

hope this helps :)
that my dear is a myth.

granted you may bloat a bit.

ei. may be a bit gruesome but when you see roadkill on the side of the road contained by mid summer if temperature permit, the poor creature, apart from being deceased is also rather inflated.

remember that menstrual fluids are a lavish product and cleansing yourself should be of great importance.
Is anybody knowledgeable anymore? Punch the person that told you that right surrounded by the face. Hard.
Nope But If You A girl lift Shower Nuttin Happends

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