my breasts are sore, I have missed a period.?

I am 21, in 2 weeks I won't own had my time for 2 months. I took a pregnancy test ending night, and it be negative. I hold hair loss and increased appetite.

Im anxious to tell my mom!?

Oh dear - I chew over you definitely entail to go see your doc! It indeed sounds like pregnancy - but it's safer to be in motion and rule out anything else, like a thyroid lack of correspondence or an ovarian cyst. It's certainly possible to interview negatively for preganancy and still be pregnant - I don't think it's singular at all.

Congratulations, if so!

childbirth contained by thoamson hospital in el paso tx cost?

take another one. those are definate signs of pregnancy

Does one hold sex when one is in her period? is it OK?

Take another pregnancy test and if the results are one and the same go see a doctor. I would see a doctor any way though.

Procreating for dummies query?

Uh oh. Sounds like you're pregnant to me. Those are adjectives signs. I would go to your doctor for a blood theory test. It's way more accurate. Go immediately!

I had anal sex for the first time today and bleed?

Take another tryout.when i took a test one come back denial and two positive.they arent always after you tak another assessment, no matter what it say go see a doc. You could be pregnant or in that might be another issue at hand resembling a hormone imbalance or another medical issue that may be bringing on these "side effects". Either passageway it is important you see your gynocologist..he or she will know how to pinpoint the exact reason you're experiencing these things. Hope everything works out ok for you.

ok my period are getting longer. I am 27 years old. My husband and I enjoy been trying to concieve for a year.

I Agree, Take Another Test. If it comes backbone neg. then see a doctor on the double & have blood work done.

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