Is it possible to get pregnant 5 days into you menstrual cycle?

OK the 1st day of my later menses was 8-23-06. 5 days into my cycle eventhough ther be very bedside light bleeding my husband and I had unprotected sex ( But this is not the first time we hold done this) I peed right away. the sunday of the 3rd I started to have torment in my ovaries. Then on monday I mind that I was have a pinkish brown d/c like if I be going to have a cycle. Is it possible that I may own gotten pregnat during the 5th day of have my period. I am going to donate it some time. so girls what do you think. Thanks for your answers

if if if if?


Plz i obligation help?

You can seize pregnant any time in the cycle, unless you know for sure when you ovulate.
You can not in recent times tell when you ovulate by the light of day of the cycle.
Take a pregnancy test at the 10-14 time mark after the morning of unprotected intercourse.

For anyone with the Mirena IUD?

Yes i presume you can....i fell pregnant on day 6 of my cycle.
i believe that sperm can live for several days.boy sperm dies rotten quicker and girl sperm lives longer...if you were going to ovulate on utter day 10-12 of your cycle next it is very possible to fall down pregnant.
It basically depends on when you ovulate and how regular your cycles are.

8 inches long?

its not extremely likely that you get pregnant while on your menstraul cycle since your egg has already passed through minus being fertilized but you could enjoy gotten pregnant before the cycle, since you ovulate since each menstral cycle. If you come up with you maybe pregnant, help yourself to a pregnancy test to be sheltered!

Depro Provera?good ?bleak?results please?

definitely I got pregnant on my celebratory night and be on my period (I know to much info lol) any ways you can get hold of pregnant anytime

whats the longest amount of time you missed your period due to stress?can depression bottleneck your period?

Yes, I do believe you and your husband have made a baby! It's is greatly possible for a woman to pregnant during her period, but judge about this, you said that you be already very desk light !! so to speak spotting, just what if you have already was pregnant up to that time you spotted!?! Think About That!

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Look dear,It is all Allah's will,but scientifically it is hopeless.You can only seize pregnant on the ovulation day to be precise the 14th day up to that time next cycle if it's regular.I hope I could relief.

Can u guys help me?

Best answer would come from your doctor. Ironically, I have a doctor tell me I couldn't seize pregnant if I had sex 2 days after my time of year stopped. He lied.

Ladies, has anyone tried inbred hormone replacement therapy?

best to ask your Doc. But ovulation length is days 13-14 of the cycle.

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