Tummy twinge? serve =]?

ok for the past few weeks i have have a really really really sore tummy like around my belly button. just below it and around the top of it (well that quality of area anyway!!) sometimes it hurts so much i will be bent over in agony crying my eyes out. i am also sick A LOT which isnt nice!! anyway ring up to get a drs appointment and cant get 1 until expire of next week so anyone got any accepted wisdom as to what might be up!! it really hurts =[

thanks xxx

I simply started birth control, and in a minute i've have my interval for 9 days.?

It doesn't sound right that his have been going on for this long. I would ring your surgery tomorrow and ask for an emergency appointment. All surgeries have to enjoy one doctor who is on call so to speak whose appointments are simply for emergency same day appointments.

Your other ioption is to appointment NHS Direct now and tell them your symptoms. If they regard it is necessary they will arrange either for a doctor to come and see you today or for you to stir to the minor injuries unit to see the on call doctor at hand.

I would be concerned enough in your position to get that call now.

Good luck, permit us know how you get on

Edit: Just had a thought, could you be pregnant? Have you done a examination? I had a friend who had an ectopic pregnancy that have these symptoms, don't want to panic you but ask a friend or relative to take you to A&E please


Is my pubic down usual?

could be pregnancy, hold you had unprotected sex? It could be your appendix, aw try ringing the doctors back for an emergency appointment, utter its gotten alot worse, if not perhaps taking a cab to the hospital?

aw hope your ok x

edit: i dont think in that much chance of a baby afterwards, aw try the doctors they will get your tummy better =] try cuggling to a hot water bottle it could facilitate

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most surgeries allow you to make emergency appointments (i.e. on the same day). I would say aloud that this is an emergnecy and if this is not possible at your surgery, go to A&E (assuming you are within the UK) because this doesn't sound very nice for you and you have need of to find out what's wrong, very few things hurt for no reason. Hope everything go okay and good luck.

Labiaplasty?! Whats it similar to??

this sounds like what i have well the first time i had it i have food poisoning and the last time i had it be in school and i assume its a sort of bug o food poisoning thing

Inserting a tampon sound out. girls merely?

Take a pregnancy test so at most minuscule you'll know if it is/isnt that could be causing the pain and can put ur mind at reduce a little until you get to the docs.

Okay i requirement facilitate near this pregnancy point lol?

hold you seen the movie 'alien'

Girls, do you find you cant sleep whilst on your extent? Opinions please?

it could be gas

For the ladies?

ues go to the A and E at the hospital, it might lately be gas

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