Does anyone know can cause slight to painful chest pains,?

I can't figure out what is wrong beside me! I've been to the ER thinking I've have a heart attack from chest pains, but after even an EKG they found nothing, but I know something isn't right since I still own pains on the left side of my chest underneath my breast. Sometimes it a moment ago feels resembling a light squeezing and other times my heart beat fast and the niggle is unbearable. I have an idea that my doctor thinks I'm crazy, since none of the exam came up next to anything. I also feel close to I have trouble breathing at hours of darkness, no matter what position I lay within (it probably has zilch to do with the chest pains) Has anyone have anything similiar to me? Or can help me out beside something the doctor's might not have thought of? Please back!

Delay of menstrual can it be becos i had 2 period last month? if so, when will my menstrual verbs?

Sometimes you can have discomfort within your chest caused by inflammation in the inside layer of chest--chest wall pain. Maybe pleurisy if you hold had recent cold/flu symptoms. What something like anxiety? A panic/anxiety attack can certainly lead to discomfort in the chest. Not beside all race. If anxiety it really can be a double edged sword--you start to own discomfort then start worrying that you might be have a heart attack which causes discomfort to increase.

any tips?

oh odd, me too. I'm curious to see what people say aloud. i never thought it was really a heart attack create I've never had radiating anguish down my left arm, but I definately acquire pain contained by the same nouns. sometimes so bad it hurts to breath. It could be heart burn too, or stress, but I don't know..i know i'm surrounded by pretty good condition so I don't worry to much around it.

I need some counsel?

I thought I was have a Heart Attact too. it was bitter reflux.I never had indigestion in my duration but that is what I own and since I started Pilosec I never have chest pains.

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