Period question.?

ok so i havent gotten my time for almost two months in a minute this isnt the first time this happen the first time i didnt draw from it for four months i havent be involved in any sexual commotion and im of late wondering if anyone know whats going on and im sixteen if that make any difference ..gratefulness!

I am going on holidays in a couple of days and i dont want to own my extent contained by at the moment.?

if you hold not have sex this could possibly mingy that you are underweight if you are not intake satisfactory consequently your length will stop. it could also be cause by stress. you should agree to your doctor but you should be ok.

i own a MAJOR problem!?

I'm 16 too and my period are totally erratic, or my bodies inefficient one or the other. Any mode if it's merely be 2 months and you haven't have and relations i wouldn't be too worries hoever if it' really bothering you, you might want to see a doctor

Why is this stirring to me?

See your doctor, you may hold other issues going on. He may prescribe you pills to regulate your period.

Women one and only.. birth contoll and spell.. problems..?

If you are dieting and own lost a significant amount of solidity your time will become irregular. If you hold singular have your length for 1/2 yrs, like peas in a pod item could take place. DON'T PANIC, it's totally NORMAL!!


If my extent is not run of the mill can i still own kids?

When did you first get going your length? If you hold singular simply started getting them, it take a while for your body to become regular.
If you are really concerned you can progress and see a doctor

Is it possible for your eyes to procure smaller or larger for good?

See a gyneac urgently.
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