I find it really hard to cope woth having my period im only 11!!?

ok my mum thinks its adjectives this big deal and keep wanting to talk abt it and i discern relly weird when i own it cos ma friends well at lowest i dont think enjoy theres yet. What can i do to covercome this is it irresponsibility?

Is it true that when a woman has and D and C that?

I have mine at 11 as well. Friends may or may not apprehend, but believe it or not your mom can help you take in much more. She's been here too. I wish that I have a mom to turn to when I started. It's a big change and you are going to entail all the warning you can get. It may be odd, but it will help.

my hackle are very see-through.they are falling a lot.i hold oily mane.help me what i do?

Your mum is right - it is a big concord. You will have your time all your duration, until you reach the menopause, which some women usually bring in their 40's or 50's - when they are middle aged. You should bargain to your mum about things similar to this. You need to know everything in the order of your period. You'll revise to cope with it eventually.

Did your immensity increase, decrease, or stay duplicate while using the Depo Provera Birth Control Shot?

Yes, it's immaturity. Let your Mum chat to you. It's no big deal - it's tough mortal a woman and you are just genesis to find out about the actual world.

What's the best natural bearing of getting rid of dysmenorrhea?

just eat chocolate close to most women at that time. see to be stressing and getting worked up over nothin like most women i know at that time. of late live with it, so your maturing quicker than ur friends. they'll obtain it soon enough.

My girlfriend smear testing result worried me!?

I think you should chat with your mom, I'm sure she have experience, and possibly knows how you surface. I also got my spell when I was 11, and it be hard for me too because while my body be ready, my mind be not. Did you ask your mom how old she be when she got her term?

It is normal to be startled by things that you don't understand. Ignoring it, and not conversation or dealing with it isn't going to net the situation any better though. Be willing to adopt the help of your mom.

Well I'm have sex for the first time. I'm afraid it will hurt or bleed?

I know how you're feeling I get my period around 11 too. My mom didn't jump crazy but it though.
Maybe just communicate her it's not a big deal, and not to treat you differently, but if you do enjoy questions consequently you'll ask her about it.
I know it take a little while to bring back use to it, but don't sweat it.
You are not weird, and 11 is not precipitate, it's pretty normal. Everybody get it at different times.

Help !!?

No,it's not immaturity , in fact it's just the differing. With maturity contained by a girl comes alot of things we really don't like...including period.I used to think..."It's not gala that we have to dance through so much bad stuff and the boys don't " but next I realized that us women are tougher than those silly boys. We may enjoy to deal next to pain and awkwardness ,BUT we also get to hold the babies (when you are much older). God trusts us to carry and supervision for the angels he sends down. He wouldn't do that if we were a questionable breed. So be strong, it will get easier. And please...permit your Mom talk near you. This is a time when you need eachother most.You'll see. GOOD LUCK!

What other things that could possibly cause a woman to have clear liquid vaginal discharge and crampings?

Oh honey, I have a strong time coping with my time too and I'm 30! The good communication is, I distinctly remember that it got profoundly easier after just a couple months. I started at age 12 beforehand some friends and after others. It's normal to have a feeling embarrassed at this stage contained by your life. I didn't want to cooperate to my mom either. Once I did though, I feel a lot better! I judge having an plain discussion with your mum is a big step toward overcoming shyness and becoming more grown.

You don't have to let somebody know your friends unless you want to. Some girls are getting their periods at age 10 or even 9. My guess is that at lowest a couple of your friends probably do have theirs, and I know that adjectives your friends will get theirs soon plenty. If you do decide to report to them, you will be the one they come to with their question. So, talking to mum more or less it now will give support to insure you have accurate information for yourself and for your friends who might be too shy to chitchat to their mums.

You are lucky to have a mum who requests to talk to you roughly speaking this. Sometimes, mums are embarrassed to own these discussions with their daughters.

I suppose you should go ahead and speech to her. 11 is a young age to hold to deal near this and your mum can help you cope beside it. Don't worry though, I promise it does catch a lot easier than it is presently.

Best wishes to you.

pamprin not helping please please please help me in worried?

im 12 and i have have to deal near that also . it can be hard but if u dont be aware of comfortable talking just about it then dont inform any of your friends if u already didnt. how long have u have it for. it can be hard at first (trust me) but it will be ok .

What's wrong beside her?

It's okay, girls/women can get it anywhere from 8-16!! You're newly maturing faster than your friends, that's all.

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