What causes pain for some women just before and during their period?


This one is for girls only: when i return with PMS I feel really blue. Does anyone else get the impression that way and how do?

In layman's idiom, it is called the "cramps". It is cause by the cramping of the uterine walls. It is a hormonal response. It can be very minor or so foremost the female will enjoy to stay home until she feels better. Mild headache relievers help some.

What did the Dr. read out after you told them that you has two menses contained by one month?

I have to articulate, Dennis. That is the cramps. The happen since and during. WOO.

Help! Is this myth true?

See site below for how you can reduce or destroy the pain.


Period Question?

its a hormonal conveyance in the body,(thats why we carry cranky PMS), the lining of the uterus breaks away and you bleed, everything is more sensitive at that time of the month, sometimes your skin can even get hold of sensitive and skin creams (moisturiser) that you would usually use will give you a counterattack, some womens breasts get sore,some women that own other gynocological problems and will get worse twinge than others, like endomeriosis or fibroids or ovarian cysts, in attendance are lots of different causes, some women seize ovulation pain aswell, so they will go and get pain 2 weeks until that time there interval is due, when the egg is released from the ovary, just be good judgment at that time of the month, its hormonal its not her fault....

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