How come friends who hang out a lot have their menstrual cycle around the same time?

I was simply wondering because when ever my friends have it sumone else have it to and can like oblige them out if there not prepared.


Pheramones, my dear. Pheramones are chemicals we keep under wraps in our sweat that we can't smell and aren't aware of, however, medical science is finding out more and more that these chemicals can transform a lot going on for our health. Mates are attracted to respectively other through pheramones, even if we aren't aware of it. Males are more attracted to the female scent of women who are ovulating, and this is thought to be because of pheramones. Pheramones can also cause women's menstrual cycles to sync up. It happened to my girlfriends and I within junior high. However, if you're on hormonal birth control (the pill, Depo Provera, Orth Evera, Nuvaring, etc.) this will revision, as these suppress a woman's natural menstrual cycle and her inherently cycling hormones.

Girls only?

Just coincidence!!


that could in recent times be a co-incident, many of my friends enjoy periods during different date, / times, but fortunately i never had them, never ever surrounded by my entire life.

Is it safe and sound to take prenatal vitamins even if you are not pregnant?

because one of you is the Alpha B*tch that's why!

How come when I enjoy intercourse with my bf..?

I don't know, but it is incredibly handy!

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