How long does it usually take to restart your period after you stop taking birth control pills?

I have be taking some form of birth control since I had my first child which be 9 years ago. I have be taking the pill about 8 of those 9 years. I not long stopped taking the pill for good, the completion of January, and I havent seen a time since. I stopped taking them because I was getting a term about every 2 wks for some object. I also wanted to make a contribution my body a break, but I thought for sure I would be seeing a normal time of year by now.

Did you enjoy a wound infection after your C section ?

It is not unusual to travel 6-8 weeks, but you are a little long-gone that now.
If nearby is any risk of pregnancy, do a test.
If not, after wait it out rather longer. If you go for 12 weeks minus a period, your condition care provider will probably want to do something going on for it, but usually not before that time.

Haven't breastfed contained by yrs. still have colostrum, sometimes blood tinged, why?

It can embezzle up to 12 months before you see a interval again after stopping the pill (or ovulate again which brings on the periods). You may want to see a doctor who can perscribe a hormone that will help set off your cycle.

Should abortion be illegal?

I would give somebody a lift a pregnancy test first. If it is negitive I would aim a doctor because what ever was cause you to have your interval every two weeks may be the same culprit explicitly keeping you from having one immediately.

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