what kind of symptms do people have after having their gall bladder removed?
I experience bouts of diarrhea after eating infallible foods, especially greasy foods, and sometimes popcorn. Everyone is different.
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I have diahrrea from positive foods. A few days after gallbladder is remove you will have bloating vibrations but it will go away.Fluttering/movement in stomach?
The simply problems I had be from the surgery, itself. They couldn't use the laparoscopic method, due to internal injuries from a past semi truck wreck. They have to open me up and it took them a hour to bring to it through scare tissue. Since than, I've not have any significant problems with tart indigestion, as I was warn about.What does it niggardly when one starts lactating?
Some general discomfort and discomfort and initially may have constipation. (this is not from the removal of the brio bladder, but from the side effects of codeine.) Once the effects of the medications because of the surgery are gone you may find that you enjoy greasy/mucousy stool for a while. you may even have loose stool or diarrhea until the body get used to the inability to store bile. Gall bladder removal will not stop the body from producing bile, it only prevents the body from storing it for use near Rich/high fat meal. You may also find that eating these meal (which is not recommended after brio bladder removal) may cause you to own unpredictable loose stools/diarrhea with fatty greasy meal.It has be three years since my gall bladder removal. I own had no symptoms. I statement for this with a transform in my diet.
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I had mine taken out and I consistency the same as when i have it.How long did it take for your length to return after having a babe?
I had mine removed a couple of years ago. The lone thing that I can remember is the throbbing. Other than that nothing else.