My mother has cancer any advice to keep her spirits up?

my mother's cancer is not treatable anymore, we've stopped chemo and we're just waiting presently. She seems ok but she get tired, and depressed. Other times she's just fine. How can I win her spirits up, or get her to try to be glowing.

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First sour, I'm sorry about your mother. My Aunt have untreatable cancer. What you should really try and do if have her spend lot's of time beside her family. Find out things she considered necessary to do when she was younger, such as horseback riding or something she never get to do. Don't get into any arguments next to her, just try and engineer the best possible memories with her. Do NOT consent to her feel as though she's wasting away in a bed. Even if she have to be in a joystick chair, win her out and about. Take her to a flea bazaar if she's interested in antiques and such. Basically make her end moments with you impossible to forget. Because when we lose someone we love, that's adjectives we have, that and the certainty that they are always contained by our hearts. Let her know how much she system to you. I hope it all works out.


Have her focus on the perfect parts of her life.

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Devise a way to hang on to her occupied and work on something near her. Maybe ask her to write a little autobiography for the adjectives. Get her to laugh greatly - laughing has be found to help next to pain and in reality made people live longer.

Blood clot?

Try to explain to her that many wonders contained by life are still waiting for her and that you and your line loves her..

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waiting for what?time is meaningful,help her wallow in what she has not what she going to miss

i requirement help to prevent overeating and stresseating?

Take her to her favorite places for shopping and lunch. If she is too watered down to do these then bring lunch in from her favorite places. If she did crafts beforehand get her some craft supplies and aid her if you can. Are there constant books she likes to read or movies she enjoy. Take her for car rides to her favorite places to see the countryside or where on earth she grew up. The list is ceaseless if you just put your mind to it.

Oi, I own a weird problem.. please backing?

hi, i've watched "the secret" documentary, it might lend a hand your mom and your family. it have been feature on oprah too. check out their website at

God bless!

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I don't know if this is a perfect or bad view, you be the judge.

Get a camera, voice recorder, camcorder and/or notepad. Try asking your mom give or take a few some good, funny or positive memories she have about anything, ethnic group, vacations, movies, pets, etc. Record her unfolding the stories, put together a dvd and/or notebook full of great memories, jokes, recipe, advice, etc. She may hold fun doing this and you would too! You could ask other relatives and friends to join surrounded by or make contributions. Try to obtain her involved, ask her advice, consent to her know you still need and love her. Let her know she will other be in your heart. You could call it, "Mom's Fondest Memories", "What Mom Wants You To Know", "Secrets and Mysteries of the Woman We Call Mother". You go and get the picture, call it something funny, obsurb, something that will receive her laugh or at lowest possible get a sly smile from her!
God Bless and bring care, adjectives of you.


Chemo might play a part contained by her tireness physically. perhaps chosin a nice extension for her could cheer her up a bit? her appetitie could be affected too so other ask her what she want to eat. Talk to her nearly the happy times u relations spent together and try to find out any of her unfulfilled wishes. It is tough for us family to concede that her condition is beyond cure, it is definitely harder for tolerant to accept herself no concern how brave a front she had put contained by front of u. Always be there for her and express ur concerns. You must be brave and show positive attitude earlier you can cheer her up right? All the best.

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