Can you use a douche or other feminine wash when pregnant?


ladies- what type of penis?

No you shouldn't douche while pregnant. Try summer's eve

how do i go and get rid of a scar?

You shouldn't use those even when you're NOT pregnant. They aren't appropriate for you, and are unnecessary.

Girls only!?

i consider so

Period Help !?

you should never douche unless directed by a doctor. it's not healthy.

I attain my period 3 times a year is that bleak?

It's not reccomnded even when you're not pregant so for this one i'd say it's a no no.

A few question (Plz answer)?

Thats not a good impression, use the towelettes if you have to

Does getting sterilized drop off the wish to own a child?

You should not douche because it can flush bacteria up into the body and that will mete out more harm than pious. You definitely do not want to do that when you are pregant.

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