Loss of Appetite, Any hypothesis what's wrong?

Hi, Over the past few days I have have really no appetite at all! I feel hungry but when I look at the food it make me feel sick. I have eat a bowl of cereal, some jello, and a few raviolis in the past two days. What should I do, what do you guess the cause is?

Answers:    umm perhaps u could be stressed or upset. if its that time of the month normally things like that can happen. its ordinary tho i get that wer im just not hungry and can survive on only two small meals a day..
This only means that you don't have adequate Iron in your body. This means that you are enimek (sorry) Just communicate your mom what is happening and ask if you can get some Iron Pills. My brother is going threw matching thing. Maybe you are pregnant, this could be one of the causes, or conceivably something else is wrong, in which case I push for speaking to your doctor..
maybe you are sad or are not doing much that includes force

help me? http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;... thanks hold a good day!.
Are you stressed/depressed? Are you close to your length and do you feel bloated? Pregnancy, or possibly a medication. Some meds have that side effect (I hold taken at least 2 that caused that). .
Maybe it is stress. My cousin simply got over the stomach flu. maybe you own that. If it does not get any better you should see your dr. smoke cannabis.
Could you be pregnant?

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