how long does your first cycle last?


What exactly does the female orgasm surface like ?

I guess it depends on a great deal of things.

What brand?

How much you paid?

How impossible you beat it?

What form of driver you are?

How much stuff you run into?

There are still cycles on the road after one hundred years. Guess you newly have to clutch care of it.

I inevitability boobs?

You're not specific enough. First cycle for what? interval? washer? Give more details, sweetie..

enlarged uterus w/fibroid tumors?

If it lasts longer than 7 days, notify your mom or go see your doctor. But the first few cycles will be irregular - loaf until you've had a few and they will regulate readily.

What a woman should do or take after a anabolik steroid cycle to avoid hormon problems?

i've have my first cycle since i was 5, but it have training wheels on it consequently

If I have O- and my partner have A- could it cause miscarriages?

4 - 5 days, but i rob birth control to help control it

Ladies one and only. . . . . . please help?

Hard to notify, but I can tell you that for at lowest possible the first year they are going to be irregular, until your body fully adjusts to your womanhood.

I hold a problem with theseplease sustain me!?

If you're talking all vary, especially the first few. It's all new to the body. It's rob awhile to regulate. You may not get them every month contained by the beginning any. Don't worry if you don't! Unless you're have unprotected sex!

What should I say to someone who have developed anorexia when I see her for the first time in a long time?

Make it clear sweety. what cycle do you expect?


Why would my nipples be so sore?

most likely lately a few days. it will probably be more brown and stringy than you expected. it usually takes 6 months to a year to become regular. splotch on the calendar the first and last hours of daylight of each interval. keep track this track until you see a regular pattern. once your body get into a pattern, it should stay around the same unless your hormone level become altered by birth control or pregnancy. if you are worried talk to your mom, aunt, grandma, elder sister, school nurse, or someone else you trust. it is sometimes critical to regulate the cycle with birth control pills, but surrounded by the beginning only try to keep track and revise your body's rhythm.

I'm having time of year twice and sometime 3 times a month. Is it means that I'm OK or not?

4 days thank god!!

Actually, presently I'd like to know just about my body. I suppose it's a question give or take a few weight?

If you're referring to menstruation, it usually last between 5-7 days, but it can be different for everyone. It could be any shorter or longer, and it's very credible to be irregular for several years. If there's cloying bleeding that doesn't seem to be declining any past the 4th or 5th morning, talk to a parent or doctor.

Also, it's a apt idea to track your cycles. is a apposite, free place to do that, and it also predicts your next start date base on information you've entered. Keep within mind, though, that it's usually based on a 28-day long cycle to switch on with, so the estimations are of late that--estimations.

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