Please help me get this to stop?

i seem to enjoy this brownish blood/discharge that wont go away. i'll start rotten by saying, i'm not on the pill and im not sexually alive. so i know im not pregnant or anything like that. i have my 4 wisdom teeth out motorcade 14th. the week before i have my regular normal spell. everything was fine. although it be lighter than usual but i wasnt gonna complain. last saturday this together thing started. at 1st it seem almost like a 2nd extent. there be red blood and everything. and it was outstandingly light. close to hardly nearby. what im having immediately is also very fluffy. its only in that when i use the bathroom and usually only when i wipe myself. sometimes theres rather in the toliet but just about ever. im trying to figure out what this adjectives is and how to stop it. i was on meds from my surgury and know that can mess things up and i be super stressed out about it too. i know stress plays a big chunk is messing things up too. it doesnt really bother me much. its just type of annoying. i need some suggestions

What can rationale a women's breast to hurt?

This has happen to me before too. If it's not pouring, you could probably just hang around it out and it will go away soon. However, (and I know you don't want to hear this) if it continues for another week or so, I do suggest you be in motion see a doctor or call them (my doc take calls and give meds that way sometimes) because in that are medications they can afford you to make it stop, or they can determine if it is the medcation you've be on or something more serious like a cyst. But my guess is that your body probably is only just messed up because of meds, etc. But just hang about it out and see. Good luck!

I took a pregnacy test and it come back gloomy but is it possible to have an etopic pregnacy still?

Why ask such a personal query here and why won't you see a Dr? No one here is qualified to give you an answer and your examine is gross to anyone not in the medical profession.

Pads and .?

It doesn't nouns like anything desperate, just hang around it out and see what happens.

Is it wrong to whip 2 contraceptive pill after to prevent from getting pregnant?

hey, take your meds and read the side affects, if this appears to be one consult the surgeon that removed your desirability tooth and ask if it is normal and if it is protected for you to continue on the medication. Try to curtail your stress level, some meditation and adjectives, it may just be an irregular flow as a result from the medication. then i would ask your mom or an aunt. afterwards i have to right to be heard it go to the doctor. because other better safe than sorry!

Boyfreind afraid I am pregnant?

Well that have happened 2 me beforehand 2 and u don't have 2 c a doc basically call a nurse

how do u create your boobs bigger w.o implants?

Are you abiding the blood is vaginal? Assuming that it is, it sounds like spotting to me. Spotting can be cause by a cycle in which you don't release an egg or your hormones are rotten. If it doesn't get really large, just continue out the cycle and see if everything is normal again subsequent month.

You didn't mention what meds or what surgery you had. Do you be set to wisdom teeth or some other surgery. That would trademark a difference (dental surgery wouldn't have any relation to the bleeding, but other types could..)

But, if you inevitability to see your doctor, why are you so against it?

trying to lose baby bellyhelp me!!?

stress could be cause the midcycle. medication can also cause it. only just give it some time to achieve the after effects of the meds out of your system (and to get smaller number stressed) and I'm sure it'll go away. It's pretty mundane under stressful situations.

If it continues however, conceivably it would be a good impression to see a doctor.

Does a pap smear hurt or it is mainly mortified?

The medicine probably screwed next to your cycle a little bit.

Don't verbs about it. If you are that worried around it see a doctor.

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