Vagina problems?

Im 15 at present and have hit puberty. The thing is that even though i own had quite deeply of sexual contact with boys, i havent yet be able to do it in the brown. The reason for this is my vagina is actually a slightly pinky colour and it go right down and past my bottom opening. It looks pretty weird. Please help !

What would you ruminate if...?

Ok, so I'm assuming that you be writing in haste and that you intended to say you have just ever had sexual contact in the depressing. That makes more sense with the rest of your quiz.

As for the rest -
Let's start with color: Pink is normal. It is individual colored otherwise in educational representation (to make it look less sexual I suppose). Heck, I a moment ago wiki'ed "vulva" and got an illustration image that make it look like the whole gear is a uniform grey-sepia tone. So pink is regular. Light pink to dark, depending on state of blood flow, skin tone, and tissue density.

Extent: Here's where I'm not sure what you tight. If you mean the pink tone which is on the vulva (the external parts are more properly the vulva) extends past the vaginal introductory, across the perineum, and up to the anal area, then again, that is to say not abnormal.

If you mean otherwise, it's not clear what you're describing. I muse you should see a gynecologist, regardless, especially since you say you are sexually active.

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Everyone's is pink. No business what color you are on the outside.
Everyone's, those that have them, are different.
If you are really concerned see a physician. You should see one anyway for your first "woman" check up.
Relax, you are normal.

White discharge,tired,headache?

What is the examine?
I don't understand.
Your vagina is odd looking which breed you unable to have sexual contact within the dark??
Reword please. :S

Whats wrong beside me?? i own missed my term days gone by two times, i own not have it contained by two months..??

do you mean you havent be able to NOT do it in the shadows??

Is it safe and sound to use an epilator for pelt around your genitals?

I'm confused as to what you're asking... it looks weird so you want everyone to see it? None of it makes sense...sorry

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