
Hi.. I'm 19 years old and suffer endometriosis.. Right the problem is im on the Copper IUD and the headache is sooo bad but i dont wanna hold t out due to the fact i cant transport pills, injections or implants because they produce me ill and generate my depression worse.. I really dont know what to do this pain get so bad i cant sit or stand and im not going out much presently cos im at home with a hot wet bottle glued to me cos it hurts.. is in attendance anything out there which i can hold which wont make me off-colour? Help.

Why people cogitate female as a entity only not a human self i hate those who dont thought for women.?

I know what you mean as I hold endo.

I think the IUD will probably be making your endo symptoms worse. I'd hold it taken out immediately.

The pill help me, but I had to experiment near several different brands before I found one that suited me. The first few I tried freshly gave me catastrophic nausea and stomach upset. The only one I could grasp on with be Cilest.

There are hormonal treatments they can give for endo. Its not exactly the pill but it alters your hormone level, prevents you ovulating and allows the endo to shrink. Some drugs used are goserelin (Zoladex), nafarelin (Synarel), Buserelin (Suprecur) and leuprorelin (Prostap). I know a few women who have used these drugs beside success.

Here is some more information more or less the treatments available:


My endo was mild and as I be trying to conceive I was not given any drug dream therapy, although I totally understand the agony you go through, My period were so doomed to failure I couldn't go out for a year every month!

I would talk to your doctor, GP or gynaecologist (whoever is treating you) as within will be something else you can take. You can't suffer close to this!

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I've heard that adjectives out wheat can allieviate the pain. I know someone who did this and it worked for her.

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The pill may help lessen your cramps. I fathom out that you can't take pills, but the Pill is smaller than Pez candy. The origin you are having the twinge may be becasue the blood from your menstrual cycle does not flow out all the course. You need to have a word to your doctor about triphasic pills.

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Wow, 19 is a very immature age to have Endo ! And it's a exceptionally serious thing to own. I'd suggest going to another doctor. You may need surgery.

last year i be on pills to lower my HCG levels, would this affect pregnancy test and can i get pregnant in a minute?

My sister has this and it so bumpy so I feel extraordinarily sorry for you - one thing to do is cut out sugar and don't drink coffee the caffine is enormously bad for this problem - look on the lattice for the endometritis and it will come up with much more information - the Americans are road ahead of us - also look on Amazon as they have totally good books - appropriate luck

I had a hysterectomy contained by 1996 was on hormone pills for years and after quit,lately I have be having?

Girl, you are sufferring from what could become PID, pelvic inflammatory disease, which could take off you in dull pain for the rest of your days, or sterile, or both. Get that foriegn body out of your body, immediately! And own your man use a condom. Call your hospital now, see if you can attain this done immediately.
Look up iud side-effects, and be afraid, be exceptionally afraid. And I write this with physical concern for you. There's an American company that make IUD's that own kept surgeons VERY busy, ad an awful lot of women surrounded by terrible strain, but they have great lawyer to stop any claimants getting a buck out of them.

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I would have the IUD removed & get the male use the contraception.
5 minutes of humiliated sex for him has gotta be better than you constantly putting up the your dull pain babe.
Good Luck.

Im A Bit Shy..?

I agree that you definitely inevitability to get that IUD out. Do away near any caffeine that you are drinking or eating because that intensifies the affliction. I had endometriosis when I be younger and ( had a hysterectomy when I be 32) I had to rob 6 months of pills to keep me from have periods, afterwards after wards I be able to acquire pregnant but it was worth it. There are also patch now that you might know how to use for birth control.

Ok women why is it when its that time of the month?

My wife says GET THE IUD REMOVED. She also have endometriosis and the IUD made it a hell of a lot worse. She be in agony beside it.

I think you'd be better get hold of referred to a gynae rather than asking this lot - variety as they are, their not exactly medically trained (not all of them anyway).

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Have you considered the Mirena coil? It sounds like it might be worthy for your situation. It's similar to the copper coil in that it's inserted into the uterus. But unlike the copper coil, it releases a fundamentally small amount of progesterone constantly into the womb. Because it's such a small amount, it doesn't get into your blood stream, so it won't variety you ill or affect your depression.

The small amount of progesterone released prevents build up of the endometrium, so it greatly reduce pain and bleeding when you own your period. In certainty in some women, the bleeding stops altogether.

It sounds close to it would be worth asking your doctor about it. Good luck.

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Hi Hun, i am 19 and also suffer endometriosis was below the consultant since the age of 10 and got diagnosed 4yrs ago, immediately have blemish tissue because of this, i now enjoy the coil, i am like u be unable to cart pills, injections etc and decided to own the mirena coil the 1st 2wks i was within and out of hospital as my body was rejecting it and i be in so much cramp i ended up on morphine. i in a minute still get discomfort i call it .coil hurting (lol) and have the abnormal spotting but believe me it should ease. the gynaecologist told me that body be reacting within this way as i have not had any kids and it be being treated as a foreign goal. remember go for checks and discuss near gp etc. my email address is [email protected]
i no how depressing endo can make u consistency and sumtimes to chat to sum1 who is aware of what u are going through helps. please contact me i wud love to be of support. hold on to ure chin up.

luv carla x

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