What makes period painful?
The ovaries contain structures called folicles, adjectives of which contain one egg or ovum. When a folicle releases its egg, it produces progesterone, causing the uterus pool liner to grow and thicken in enthusiasm for pregnancy.
When the egg is not fertilised, it dies and the folicle dies also, causing generous drops in progesterone and other hormones. This triggers the production of hormones that result in the uterus lining to break up and bleed. Certain types of these hormones explanation spasming or contraction of the uterus to help push out the blood and bin liner. This is a form of cramp and is usually painful.
Hope I help clear it up for you!
your uterus contracting to verbs it's lining out of your body
what make it painful from a Man's perspective, is how Aggro she get
when the damn uterus sheds the spend. (feels like a kitchen slicer, shredding my uterus)
Anyone hear of the "Vertical Enabler"?
its just approaching the uterus trying to squeeze all the blood out- Should i be worried if for the last few months i have been getting..?
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