Do shorter, lighter periods mean that your fertility rate is lower?


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I agree that it could be an iron defficiency.

Women individual?

No, the length and heaviness of your period has without doubt nothing to do next to how fertile you are now.

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sometimes it can be a sign of anemia

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No ,it could just suggest that you are stressed or something.There is no research i have come across that relates flow to fertility.However the best point is always to check beside a doctor to do tests and clarify once and for adjectives

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no, it might be connected to other change in your body- even of hormonal temperament, but it wont effect the fertility level.For example,a lofty dose of estrogen used in pills make the periods lighter but still freshly a one-day skipp of taking one increasers the possibility of fertilisation. it's most probably caused by stress, cold wet, or changes contained by the bacteriological flora of the vagina.

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