Do they sell anti prespirant deodorant for women?

i sweat sooo much under my arms!! im approaching a man lol. but i dont smell,i just have need of not to be wet! do stores market anti prespirant that keeps you dry? i tried ALOT of deodorant.

i tried:

.woman speed stick (every kind)
.Secret (also Secret Clinical)

i need deodorant that will keep hold of me dry! i am really stressing out over this. so give me direction!
When i wear small shirts you can see the sweat and it goes down to my ribs. that how doomed to failure i sweat. and i already talked to a doctor and he said try deodorant.

I found a pill within my son's pocket it is straight white pill with gg 2 4 9 on it what is it?

I hold had intensely good luck using Mitchum for Women.

What age do you own to be to..?


I use Dove. It works really well. It have both antiperspirant and deodorant.

Girls, what makes a guy hot?

You can try Mitchum or Degree both are made for women and are strong. I instinctively recommend Mitchum. You can also try reapplying it in the afternoon and see if that helps. Hope this help

Girls embarissing question?

yes try level

Has anyone had a ceaseran? Im more worried give or take a few the cather hurting? Any info would be helpful.?

Arm & Hammer make a deoderant. I've used it and it worked well for me. I don't hold a problem with excessive sweating though. Other than that, the solely thing I can surmise of is that I believe if you go to a dermatologist, they can do Botox injections and it "deadens" the sweat glands.

You might want to research this, but I reckon I heard or read that somewhere. I don't know how expensive it would be, but if the problem is that impossible, cost may not be an issue for you.

My right ear hurts really bad! PLS HELP!?

You should see a doctor, it sounds close to the condition hyperhydrosis, its basically excessive sweating. They can bestow you medicatiopn for it. Sorry hun but chances are no deoderant will relieve until you get the medication.

Best of luck

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I had this exact same problem. Certain Dri is a extremely good product. You apply a few strokes of this roll-on juice at night, and your moist will end. However, it's really strong, so you need to follow directions.

You can find it at Walmart, and you don't inevitability a prescription or anything. It worked for me and most other people I know beside this problem.
You're not alone. Two of my very honest friends have admit this problem to me -- imagine how few would come clean it personally! Multiply that by 160%, and you've get your number.

By the way, the doctor won't notify you anything interesting. I remember asking mine multiple times (a doctor at home and on campus). Both said there wasn't much they could do, because it's a adjectives hormonal problem in women.

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i sweat like crazy and it smells so i use dove, the green tea and cucumber scent is so great... i consistency so dry i love it.

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Yup Kima's right. Certain Dri! I use to sweat like a guy too(and I did smell) how embarassing for a girl! I tried everyother deoderant on the bazaar and I guarantee you Certain Dri will work.

do you know any other word for said?

I had the exact same problem, I couldn't wear a shirt for more than an hour because it would be soaked! Try Certain Dri, it works wonders. You don't sweat at adjectives anymore. It's amazing. Good luck! =]

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