What is wrong with me,please support?

i have be constantly tired for at least a year now
i never have a feeling refreshed contained by the morning.
i have a dry throat
headache keep coming.
I find it complex to concentrate.
And my grades are suffering.
I have lately started taking vitimins, and i have be taking iron tablets for about partially a year now.
They are really not helping
i am also on the birth control pill.
My freight keeps ganing afterwards i loose it.
Any ideas :S


What be the point of this?

check your THYROID hormones!! sounds like a thyroid problem to me.

What are your remedies for Dysmenorrhea?

Are you drinking lots of fluids? Vitamins can dehydrate you slickly. Your symptoms are similar to dehydration. Maybe try stopping the vitamins and drinking lots of fluids for a while.
Just an idea to consider.

Why havent I started my time?

Get a complete checkup with your doctor including blood work. Your symptoms can be from several things, but the merely way to find out and treat it is to see the doctor.

Can a gyn narrate from the exam.?

This comes from caffeine withdrawal, stress or dehydration. Start incorporating more fruits in your diet, especially bananas and apples. Your not refreshing in the morning comes from any to much or not enough excerise, excerise and sports releases serotonin and endorphines to your brain wake you up. the pill can cause abundant problems, including fatigue, dryness of the mouth, shortness of breath, dehydration, ... try going off it for a while, see what happen. Concentration, need more oxygen to your brain from the pill. Headaches, if it is in the front/side of your organizer, that's natural of vein in the go before swelling up, if it is in the back of your brain, try some marine and no caffeine, destress and relax. Girl you have approach to many problems to settlement with, these shouldn't be some of them.

Why my vagina become dry during sex?

u should go see a doc.

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