HAve you have a IUD and what did you construe roughly it?

Answers:    This is an answer from a man but with wife's experience. After the birth of our first child she looked-for to do something else besides the pill, so we opted to do the iud, totally and great experience for her. Its put contained by a an office look in . Periods were big to begin beside but decreased after few months.
within are several ones out a three year and five year. We chose to have second child it be taken out in department visit, and here is no after effects due to IUD like pill as soon as it is removed you are set to go.
what is an iud never mind no I've own an IUD and I thought it was great. Insertion wasn't too bleak and once it was contained by, it was really a "forget just about it" solution. I did notice somewhat tender feeling the first week or two, but soon that disappeared and here was really no track to tell I be using it - except the string of course lol. My interval lightened a wee little bit over time, and I never get pregnant on it.
dont use it...pills r better option smaller number side effcts then iud Influenced beneath driving - backwards. it is an actual charge in Tennessee.

I have the Norplant sticks and they worked but they were unpardonable and now I can't own kids. they used to stick out of my arm right under the skin. It be gross and I had to skin the skin.
i hated it i have bled for 3 months straight until it just come out one day i recommend the pill but also every woman is different you might resembling it but i didnt

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