Has anyone had a ceaseran? Im more worried about the cather hurting? Any info would be helpful.?



I didn't have a c-section, I have other surgery and had a catheter when I woke up. They took it out and I couldn't pee by myself so they put it final in and it didn't hurt at adjectives.

My menses lasted for more than 7 days?

ask them to put it surrounded by after you get the anesthesia. We've done that sometimes at the hospital I used to work at.

Why do women claim.?

Do you mena catheter? If so don't be worried give or take a few that you usually have you epidural previously they do cath, or at least I did.

My tingling vagina?

The catheter hurts momentarily when they hold it out, they ususally put in within right after the epidural so you are numb. Its no big deal. The incision, however, hurts resembling a bee-atch. Good luck!

what is caused of vaginal yeast infection?

Yes the catheter does hurt or at most minuscule feel mortified. Ask them to put it in after you win the pain killer.then you don't consistency a thing. It take a while to heal after a c-section but your time is much lighter. My wound reopened after my 2nd child because I walked around similar to I was fine so donate yourself time to heal.

What can I do?

I have 2, 27 and 30 years ago! C-sections are major surgery. Catheter? Dont remember a problem next to that. Just remember this:: do what the doc says: dont do ANY housework, don't move up, don't drive, don't have sex for 6 weeks. I did adjectives those things and I got an incisional hernia near my first and ended up have to have it repaired only just a few years ago. Take care of yourself!

Anyone bleed after have a hysterectomy?

I've never had one but I've sure be there when they've be performed. Most nurses are skilled Foley catheter placement next to very little or no agony (more like discomfort) but if you are worried you can request that it be inserted after anesthesia. Actually, after you gain your pre-meds, you may not even care and won't discern it anyway. Speak to your OB about your concerns and see what can be arranged to accomodate you.

Does wax your legs and bikini area hurt? Compare it to something, ie-childbirth.?

you better be more worried just about the soreness of the incision after the fact. i be already numb when they inserted the cathe.
take comfortable when you get home

Has this ever happen to you?

I have have 2 C sections and 1 kidney stone (3 cathetors). The cathetor have never hurt going in and was individual uncomfortable coming out once.

The just painful element of a C section is the reclamation. The only counsel I would give you is start practicing how to sit, stand, and acquire into bed without using your stomach muscles. Try to develop your thigh muscles so they alone bring you up from sitting and down from sitting. Yoga be great for that for me. Really learn how to isolate your muscles.

Try to amount out how you will be able to achieve into and out of bed, by yourself, when you can't use your stomach muscles to do it. It is not easy, but nearby are ways. I found putting lots of pillows at the headboard, getting into bed on my hands and knees, and after laying down on my side against the pillows and using my hand to get on my wager on was the best method. Work to see what works best for you.

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